// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Class for parsing a tensor type spec. * * @author geirst * @author bratseth */ public class TensorTypeParser { private final static String START_STRING = "tensor"; private final static String END_STRING = ")"; private static final Pattern indexedPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)\\[(\\d*)\\]"); private static final Pattern mappedPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)\\{\\}"); public static TensorType fromSpec(String specString) { return fromSpec(specString, null); } /** * @param dimensionOrder if not null, this will be populated with the dimension names in the order they are written */ static TensorType fromSpec(String specString, List dimensionOrder) { specString = specString.trim(); if ( ! specString.startsWith(START_STRING) || ! specString.endsWith(END_STRING)) throw formatException(specString); String specBody = specString.substring(START_STRING.length(), specString.length() - END_STRING.length()); String dimensionsSpec; TensorType.Value valueType; if (specBody.startsWith("(")) { valueType = TensorType.Value.DOUBLE; // no value type spec: Use default dimensionsSpec = specBody.substring(1); } else { int parenthesisIndex = specBody.indexOf("("); if (parenthesisIndex < 0) throw formatException(specString); valueType = parseValueTypeSpec(specBody.substring(0, parenthesisIndex), specString); dimensionsSpec = specBody.substring(parenthesisIndex + 1); } if (dimensionsSpec.isEmpty()) return new TensorType.Builder(valueType, Collections.emptyList()).build(); List dimensions = new ArrayList<>(); for (String element : dimensionsSpec.split(",")) { String trimmedElement = element.trim(); TensorType.Dimension dimension = tryParseIndexedDimension(trimmedElement); if (dimension == null) dimension = tryParseMappedDimension(trimmedElement); if (dimension == null) throw formatException(specString, "Dimension '" + element + "' is on the wrong format"); dimensions.add(dimension); if (dimensionOrder != null) dimensionOrder.add(dimension.name()); } return new TensorType.Builder(valueType, dimensions).build(); } private static TensorType.Value parseValueTypeSpec(String valueTypeSpec, String fullSpecString) { if ( ! valueTypeSpec.startsWith("<") || ! valueTypeSpec.endsWith(">")) throw formatException(fullSpecString, Optional.of("Value type spec must be enclosed in <>")); try { return TensorType.Value.fromId(valueTypeSpec.substring(1, valueTypeSpec.length() - 1)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw formatException(fullSpecString, e.getMessage()); } } private static TensorType.Dimension tryParseIndexedDimension(String element) { Matcher matcher = indexedPattern.matcher(element); if (matcher.matches()) { String dimensionName = matcher.group(1); String dimensionSize = matcher.group(2); if (dimensionSize.isEmpty()) return TensorType.Dimension.indexed(dimensionName); else return TensorType.Dimension.indexed(dimensionName, Integer.valueOf(dimensionSize)); } return null; } private static TensorType.Dimension tryParseMappedDimension(String element) { Matcher matcher = mappedPattern.matcher(element); if (matcher.matches()) { String dimensionName = matcher.group(1); return TensorType.Dimension.mapped(dimensionName); } return null; } private static IllegalArgumentException formatException(String spec) { return formatException(spec, Optional.empty()); } private static IllegalArgumentException formatException(String spec, String errorDetail) { return formatException(spec, Optional.of(errorDetail)); } private static IllegalArgumentException formatException(String spec, Optional errorDetail) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A tensor type spec must be on the form " + "tensor[]?(dimensionidentifier[{}|[length]*), but was '" + spec + "'. " + errorDetail.map(s -> s + ". ").orElse("") + "Examples: tensor(x[3]), tensor(name{}, x[10])"); } }