// Copyright Verizon Media. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType.Dimension; import static com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType.Value; /** * Common type resolving for basic tensor operations. * * @author arnej */ public class TypeResolver { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TypeResolver.class.getName()); static private TensorType scalar() { return TensorType.empty; } static public TensorType map(TensorType inputType) { Value orig = inputType.valueType(); Value cellType = Value.largestOf(orig, Value.FLOAT); if (cellType == orig) { return inputType; } return new TensorType(cellType, inputType.dimensions()); } static public TensorType reduce(TensorType inputType, List reduceDimensions) { if (reduceDimensions.isEmpty()) { return scalar(); } Map map = new HashMap<>(); for (Dimension dim : inputType.dimensions()) { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } for (String name : reduceDimensions) { if (map.containsKey(name)) { map.remove(name); } else { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "reducing non-existing dimension "+name+" in type "+inputType); // throw new IllegalArgumentException("reducing non-existing dimension "+name+" in type "+inputType); } } if (map.isEmpty()) { return scalar(); } Value cellType = Value.largestOf(inputType.valueType(), Value.FLOAT); return new TensorType(cellType, map.values()); } static public TensorType peek(TensorType inputType, List peekDimensions) { if (peekDimensions.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("peeking no dimensions makes no sense"); } Map map = new HashMap<>(); for (Dimension dim : inputType.dimensions()) { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } for (String name : peekDimensions) { if (map.containsKey(name)) { map.remove(name); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("peeking non-existing dimension "+name+" in type "+inputType); } } if (map.isEmpty()) { return scalar(); } Value cellType = inputType.valueType(); return new TensorType(cellType, map.values()); } static public TensorType rename(TensorType inputType, List from, List to) { if (from.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("renaming no dimensions"); } if (from.size() != to.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad rename, from size "+from.size()+" != to.size "+to.size()); } Map oldDims = new HashMap<>(); for (Dimension dim : inputType.dimensions()) { oldDims.put(dim.name(), dim); } Map newDims = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < from.size(); ++i) { String oldName = from.get(i); String newName = to.get(i); if (oldDims.containsKey(oldName)) { var dim = oldDims.remove(oldName); newDims.put(newName, dim.withName(newName)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad rename, dimension "+oldName+" not found"); } } for (var keep : oldDims.values()) { newDims.put(keep.name(), keep); } if (inputType.dimensions().size() == newDims.size()) { return new TensorType(inputType.valueType(), newDims.values()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad rename, lost some dimenions"); } } static public TensorType cell_cast(TensorType inputType, Value toCellType) { if (toCellType != Value.DOUBLE && inputType.dimensions().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot cast "+inputType+" to valueType"+toCellType); } return new TensorType(toCellType, inputType.dimensions()); } private static boolean firstIsBoundSecond(Dimension first, Dimension second) { return (first.type() == Dimension.Type.indexedBound && second.type() == Dimension.Type.indexedUnbound && first.name().equals(second.name())); } static public TensorType join(TensorType lhs, TensorType rhs) { Value cellType = Value.DOUBLE; if (lhs.rank() > 0 && rhs.rank() > 0) { // both types decide the new cell type cellType = Value.largestOf(lhs.valueType(), rhs.valueType()); } else if (lhs.rank() > 0) { // only the tensor decide the new cell type cellType = lhs.valueType(); } else if (rhs.rank() > 0) { // only the tensor decide the new cell type cellType = rhs.valueType(); } // result of computation must be at least float cellType = Value.largestOf(cellType, Value.FLOAT); Map map = new HashMap<>(); for (Dimension dim : lhs.dimensions()) { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } for (Dimension dim : rhs.dimensions()) { if (map.containsKey(dim.name())) { Dimension other = map.get(dim.name()); if (! other.equals(dim)) { if (firstIsBoundSecond(dim, other)) { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } else if (firstIsBoundSecond(other, dim)) { map.put(dim.name(), other); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unequal dimension " + dim.name() + " in " + lhs+ " and "+rhs); } } } else { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } } return new TensorType(cellType, map.values()); } static public TensorType merge(TensorType lhs, TensorType rhs) { int sz = lhs.dimensions().size(); boolean allOk = (rhs.dimensions().size() == sz); if (allOk) { for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { String lName = lhs.dimensions().get(i).name(); String rName = rhs.dimensions().get(i).name(); if (! lName.equals(rName)) { allOk = false; } } } if (allOk) { return join(lhs, rhs); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("types in merge() dimensions mismatch: "+lhs+" != "+rhs); } } static public TensorType concat(TensorType lhs, TensorType rhs, String concatDimension) { Value cellType = Value.DOUBLE; if (lhs.rank() > 0 && rhs.rank() > 0) { if (lhs.valueType() == rhs.valueType()) { cellType = lhs.valueType(); } else { cellType = Value.largestOf(lhs.valueType(), rhs.valueType()); // when changing cell type, make it at least float cellType = Value.largestOf(cellType, Value.FLOAT); } } else if (lhs.rank() > 0) { cellType = lhs.valueType(); } else if (rhs.rank() > 0) { cellType = rhs.valueType(); } Optional first = Optional.empty(); Optional second = Optional.empty(); Map map = new HashMap<>(); for (Dimension dim : lhs.dimensions()) { if (dim.name().equals(concatDimension)) { first = Optional.of(dim); } else { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } } for (Dimension dim : rhs.dimensions()) { if (dim.name().equals(concatDimension)) { second = Optional.of(dim); } else if (map.containsKey(dim.name())) { Dimension other = map.get(dim.name()); if (! other.equals(dim)) { if (firstIsBoundSecond(dim, other)) { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } else if (firstIsBoundSecond(other, dim)) { map.put(dim.name(), other); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unequal dimension " + dim.name() + " in " + lhs+ " and "+rhs); } } } else { map.put(dim.name(), dim); } } if (first.isPresent() && first.get().type() == Dimension.Type.mapped) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad concat dimension "+concatDimension+" in lhs: "+lhs); } if (second.isPresent() && second.get().type() == Dimension.Type.mapped) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad concat dimension "+concatDimension+" in rhs: "+rhs); } if (first.isPresent() && first.get().type() == Dimension.Type.indexedUnbound) { map.put(concatDimension, first.get()); } else if (second.isPresent() && second.get().type() == Dimension.Type.indexedUnbound) { map.put(concatDimension, second.get()); } else { long concatSize = 0; if (first.isPresent()) { concatSize += first.get().size().get(); } else { concatSize += 1; } if (second.isPresent()) { concatSize += second.get().size().get(); } else { concatSize += 1; } map.put(concatDimension, Dimension.indexed(concatDimension, concatSize)); } return new TensorType(cellType, map.values()); } }