// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor.functions; import com.yahoo.tensor.DimensionSizes; import com.yahoo.tensor.IndexedTensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.Tensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorAddress; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType; import com.yahoo.tensor.TypeResolver; import com.yahoo.tensor.evaluation.EvaluationContext; import com.yahoo.tensor.evaluation.Name; import com.yahoo.tensor.evaluation.TypeContext; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Concatenation of two tensors along an (indexed) dimension * * @author bratseth */ public class Concat extends PrimitiveTensorFunction { enum DimType { common, separate, concat } private final TensorFunction argumentA, argumentB; private final String dimension; public Concat(TensorFunction argumentA, TensorFunction argumentB, String dimension) { Objects.requireNonNull(argumentA, "The first argument tensor cannot be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(argumentB, "The second argument tensor cannot be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(dimension, "The dimension cannot be null"); this.argumentA = argumentA; this.argumentB = argumentB; this.dimension = dimension; } @Override public List> arguments() { return List.of(argumentA, argumentB); } @Override public TensorFunction withArguments(List> arguments) { if (arguments.size() != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concat must have 2 arguments, got " + arguments.size()); return new Concat<>(arguments.get(0), arguments.get(1), dimension); } @Override public PrimitiveTensorFunction toPrimitive() { return new Concat<>(argumentA.toPrimitive(), argumentB.toPrimitive(), dimension); } @Override public String toString(ToStringContext context) { return "concat(" + argumentA.toString(context) + ", " + argumentB.toString(context) + ", " + dimension + ")"; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash("concat", argumentA, argumentB, dimension); } @Override public TensorType type(TypeContext context) { return TypeResolver.concat(argumentA.type(context), argumentB.type(context), dimension); } @Override public Tensor evaluate(EvaluationContext context) { Tensor a = argumentA.evaluate(context); Tensor b = argumentB.evaluate(context); if (a instanceof IndexedTensor && b instanceof IndexedTensor) { return oldEvaluate(a, b); } var helper = new Helper(a, b, dimension); return helper.result; } private Tensor oldEvaluate(Tensor a, Tensor b) { TensorType concatType = TypeResolver.concat(a.type(), b.type(), dimension); a = ensureIndexedDimension(dimension, a, concatType.valueType()); b = ensureIndexedDimension(dimension, b, concatType.valueType()); IndexedTensor aIndexed = (IndexedTensor) a; // If you get an exception here you have implemented a mixed tensor IndexedTensor bIndexed = (IndexedTensor) b; DimensionSizes concatSize = concatSize(concatType, aIndexed, bIndexed, dimension); Tensor.Builder builder = Tensor.Builder.of(concatType, concatSize); long aDimensionLength = aIndexed.type().indexOfDimension(dimension).map(d -> aIndexed.dimensionSizes().size(d)).orElseThrow(RuntimeException::new); int[] aToIndexes = mapIndexes(a.type(), concatType); int[] bToIndexes = mapIndexes(b.type(), concatType); concatenateTo(aIndexed, bIndexed, aDimensionLength, concatType, aToIndexes, bToIndexes, builder); concatenateTo(bIndexed, aIndexed, 0, concatType, bToIndexes, aToIndexes, builder); return builder.build(); } private void concatenateTo(IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b, long offset, TensorType concatType, int[] aToIndexes, int[] bToIndexes, Tensor.Builder builder) { Set otherADimensions = a.type().dimensionNames().stream().filter(d -> !d.equals(dimension)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); for (Iterator ia = a.subspaceIterator(otherADimensions); ia.hasNext();) { IndexedTensor.SubspaceIterator iaSubspace = ia.next(); TensorAddress aAddress = iaSubspace.address(); for (Iterator ib = b.subspaceIterator(otherADimensions); ib.hasNext();) { IndexedTensor.SubspaceIterator ibSubspace = ib.next(); while (ibSubspace.hasNext()) { Tensor.Cell bCell = ibSubspace.next(); TensorAddress combinedAddress = combineAddresses(aAddress, aToIndexes, bCell.getKey(), bToIndexes, concatType, offset, dimension); if (combinedAddress == null) continue; // incompatible builder.cell(combinedAddress, bCell.getValue()); } iaSubspace.reset(); } } } private Tensor ensureIndexedDimension(String dimensionName, Tensor tensor, TensorType.Value combinedValueType) { Optional dimension = tensor.type().dimension(dimensionName); if ( dimension.isPresent() ) { if ( ! dimension.get().isIndexed()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concat in dimension '" + dimensionName + "' requires that dimension to be indexed or absent, " + "but got a tensor with type " + tensor.type()); return tensor; } else { // extend tensor with this dimension if (tensor.type().hasMappedDimensions()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concat requires an indexed tensor, " + "but got a tensor with type " + tensor.type()); Tensor unitTensor = Tensor.Builder.of(new TensorType.Builder(combinedValueType) .indexed(dimensionName, 1) .build()) .cell(1,0) .build(); return tensor.multiply(unitTensor); } } /** Returns the concrete (not type) dimension sizes resulting from combining a and b */ private DimensionSizes concatSize(TensorType concatType, IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b, String concatDimension) { DimensionSizes.Builder concatSizes = new DimensionSizes.Builder(concatType.dimensions().size()); for (int i = 0; i < concatSizes.dimensions(); i++) { String currentDimension = concatType.dimensions().get(i).name(); long aSize = a.type().indexOfDimension(currentDimension).map(d -> a.dimensionSizes().size(d)).orElse(0L); long bSize = b.type().indexOfDimension(currentDimension).map(d -> b.dimensionSizes().size(d)).orElse(0L); if (currentDimension.equals(concatDimension)) concatSizes.set(i, aSize + bSize); else if (aSize != 0 && bSize != 0 && aSize!=bSize ) concatSizes.set(i, Math.min(aSize, bSize)); else concatSizes.set(i, Math.max(aSize, bSize)); } return concatSizes.build(); } /** * Combine two addresses, adding the offset to the concat dimension * * @return the combined address or null if the addresses are incompatible * (in some other dimension than the concat dimension) */ private TensorAddress combineAddresses(TensorAddress a, int[] aToIndexes, TensorAddress b, int[] bToIndexes, TensorType concatType, long concatOffset, String concatDimension) { long[] combinedLabels = new long[concatType.dimensions().size()]; Arrays.fill(combinedLabels, Tensor.INVALID_INDEX); int concatDimensionIndex = concatType.indexOfDimension(concatDimension).get(); mapContent(a, combinedLabels, aToIndexes, concatDimensionIndex, concatOffset); // note: This sets a nonsensical value in the concat dimension boolean compatible = mapContent(b, combinedLabels, bToIndexes, concatDimensionIndex, concatOffset); // ... which is overwritten by the right value here if ( ! compatible) return null; return TensorAddress.of(combinedLabels); } /** * Returns the an array having one entry in order for each dimension of fromType * containing the index at which toType contains the same dimension name. * That is, if the returned array contains n at index i then * fromType.dimensions().get(i).name.equals(toType.dimensions().get(n).name()) * If some dimension in fromType is not present in toType, the corresponding index will be -1 */ // TODO: Stolen from join private int[] mapIndexes(TensorType fromType, TensorType toType) { int[] toIndexes = new int[fromType.dimensions().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fromType.dimensions().size(); i++) toIndexes[i] = toType.indexOfDimension(fromType.dimensions().get(i).name()).orElse(Tensor.INVALID_INDEX); return toIndexes; } /** * Maps the content in the given list to the given array, using the given index map. * * @return true if the mapping was successful, false if one of the destination positions was * occupied by a different value */ private boolean mapContent(TensorAddress from, long[] to, int[] indexMap, int concatDimension, long concatOffset) { for (int i = 0; i < from.size(); i++) { int toIndex = indexMap[i]; if (concatDimension == toIndex) { to[toIndex] = from.numericLabel(i) + concatOffset; } else { if (to[toIndex] != Tensor.INVALID_INDEX && to[toIndex] != from.numericLabel(i)) return false; to[toIndex] = from.numericLabel(i); } } return true; } static class CellVector { ArrayList values = new ArrayList<>(); void setValue(int ccDimIndex, double value) { while (values.size() <= ccDimIndex) { values.add(0.0); } values.set(ccDimIndex, value); } } static class CellVectorMap { Map map = new HashMap<>(); CellVector lookupCreate(TensorAddress addr) { return map.computeIfAbsent(addr, k -> new CellVector()); } } static class CellVectorMapMap { Map map = new HashMap<>(); CellVectorMap lookupCreate(TensorAddress addr) { return map.computeIfAbsent(addr, k -> new CellVectorMap()); } } static class SplitHow { List handleDims = new ArrayList<>(); long numCommon() { return handleDims.stream().filter(t -> (t == DimType.common)).count(); } long numSeparate() { return handleDims.stream().filter(t -> (t == DimType.separate)).count(); } } static class ConcatPlan { final TensorType resultType; final String concatDimension; SplitHow splitInfoA = new SplitHow(); SplitHow splitInfoB = new SplitHow(); enum CombineHow { left, right, both, concat } List combineHow = new ArrayList<>(); void aOnly(String dimName) { if (dimName.equals(concatDimension)) { splitInfoA.handleDims.add(DimType.concat); combineHow.add(CombineHow.concat); } else { splitInfoA.handleDims.add(DimType.separate); combineHow.add(CombineHow.left); } } void bOnly(String dimName) { if (dimName.equals(concatDimension)) { splitInfoB.handleDims.add(DimType.concat); combineHow.add(CombineHow.concat); } else { splitInfoB.handleDims.add(DimType.separate); combineHow.add(CombineHow.right); } } void bothAandB(String dimName) { if (dimName.equals(concatDimension)) { splitInfoA.handleDims.add(DimType.concat); splitInfoB.handleDims.add(DimType.concat); combineHow.add(CombineHow.concat); } else { splitInfoA.handleDims.add(DimType.common); splitInfoB.handleDims.add(DimType.common); combineHow.add(CombineHow.both); } } ConcatPlan(TensorType aType, TensorType bType, String concatDimension) { this.resultType = TypeResolver.concat(aType, bType, concatDimension); this.concatDimension = concatDimension; var aDims = aType.dimensions(); var bDims = bType.dimensions(); int i = 0; int j = 0; while (i < aDims.size() && j < bDims.size()) { String aName = aDims.get(i).name(); String bName = bDims.get(j).name(); int cmp = aName.compareTo(bName); if (cmp == 0) { bothAandB(aName); ++i; ++j; } else if (cmp < 0) { aOnly(aName); ++i; } else { bOnly(bName); ++j; } } while (i < aDims.size()) { aOnly(aDims.get(i++).name()); } while (j < bDims.size()) { bOnly(bDims.get(j++).name()); } if (combineHow.size() < resultType.rank()) { var idx = resultType.indexOfDimension(concatDimension); combineHow.add(idx.get(), CombineHow.concat); } } } static class Helper { ConcatPlan plan; Tensor result; Helper(Tensor a, Tensor b, String dimension) { this.plan = new ConcatPlan(a.type(), b.type(), dimension); CellVectorMapMap aData = decompose(a, plan.splitInfoA); CellVectorMapMap bData = decompose(b, plan.splitInfoB); this.result = merge(aData, bData); } static int concatDimensionSize(CellVectorMapMap data) { Set sizes = new HashSet<>(); data.map.forEach((m, cvmap) -> cvmap.map.forEach((e, vector) -> sizes.add(vector.values.size()))); if (sizes.isEmpty()) { return 1; } if (sizes.size() == 1) { return sizes.iterator().next(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("inconsistent size of concat dimension, had "+sizes.size()+" different values"); } TensorAddress combine(TensorAddress match, TensorAddress leftOnly, TensorAddress rightOnly, int concatDimIdx) { String[] labels = new String[plan.resultType.rank()]; int out = 0; int m = 0; int a = 0; int b = 0; for (var how : plan.combineHow) { switch (how) { case left -> labels[out++] = leftOnly.label(a++); case right -> labels[out++] = rightOnly.label(b++); case both -> labels[out++] = match.label(m++); case concat -> labels[out++] = String.valueOf(concatDimIdx); default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot handle: " + how); } } return TensorAddress.of(labels); } Tensor merge(CellVectorMapMap a, CellVectorMapMap b) { var builder = Tensor.Builder.of(plan.resultType); int aConcatSize = concatDimensionSize(a); for (var entry : a.map.entrySet()) { TensorAddress common = entry.getKey(); if (b.map.containsKey(common)) { var lhs = entry.getValue(); var rhs = b.map.get(common); lhs.map.forEach((leftOnly, leftCells) -> { rhs.map.forEach((rightOnly, rightCells) -> { for (int i = 0; i < leftCells.values.size(); i++) { TensorAddress addr = combine(common, leftOnly, rightOnly, i); builder.cell(addr, leftCells.values.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < rightCells.values.size(); i++) { TensorAddress addr = combine(common, leftOnly, rightOnly, i + aConcatSize); builder.cell(addr, rightCells.values.get(i)); } }); }); } } return builder.build(); } CellVectorMapMap decompose(Tensor input, SplitHow how) { var iter = input.cellIterator(); String[] commonLabels = new String[(int)how.numCommon()]; String[] separateLabels = new String[(int)how.numSeparate()]; CellVectorMapMap result = new CellVectorMapMap(); while (iter.hasNext()) { var cell = iter.next(); var addr = cell.getKey(); long ccDimIndex = 0; int commonIdx = 0; int separateIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < how.handleDims.size(); i++) { switch (how.handleDims.get(i)) { case common -> commonLabels[commonIdx++] = addr.label(i); case separate -> separateLabels[separateIdx++] = addr.label(i); case concat -> ccDimIndex = addr.numericLabel(i); default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot handle: " + how.handleDims.get(i)); } } TensorAddress commonAddr = TensorAddress.of(commonLabels); TensorAddress separateAddr = TensorAddress.of(separateLabels); result.lookupCreate(commonAddr).lookupCreate(separateAddr).setValue((int)ccDimIndex, cell.getValue()); } return result; } } }