// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor.functions; import com.yahoo.tensor.DimensionSizes; import com.yahoo.tensor.IndexedTensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.Tensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType; import com.yahoo.tensor.evaluation.EvaluationContext; import com.yahoo.tensor.evaluation.Name; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * An optimization for tensor expressions where a join immediately follows a * reduce. Evaluating this as one operation is significantly more efficient * than evaluating each separately. * * This implementation optimizes the case where the reduce is done on the same * dimensions as the join. A particularly efficient evaluation is done if there * is one common dimension that is joined and reduced on, which is a common * case as it covers vector and matrix like multiplications. * * @author lesters */ public class ReduceJoin extends CompositeTensorFunction { private final TensorFunction argumentA, argumentB; private final DoubleBinaryOperator combinator; private final Reduce.Aggregator aggregator; private final List dimensions; public ReduceJoin(Reduce reduce, Join join) { this(join.arguments().get(0), join.arguments().get(1), join.combinator(), reduce.aggregator(), reduce.dimensions()); } public ReduceJoin(TensorFunction argumentA, TensorFunction argumentB, DoubleBinaryOperator combinator, Reduce.Aggregator aggregator, List dimensions) { this.argumentA = argumentA; this.argumentB = argumentB; this.combinator = combinator; this.aggregator = aggregator; this.dimensions = List.copyOf(dimensions); } @Override public List> arguments() { return List.of(argumentA, argumentB); } @Override public TensorFunction withArguments(List> arguments) { if ( arguments.size() != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ReduceJoin must have 2 arguments, got " + arguments.size()); return new ReduceJoin<>(arguments.get(0), arguments.get(1), combinator, aggregator, dimensions); } @Override public PrimitiveTensorFunction toPrimitive() { Join join = new Join<>(argumentA.toPrimitive(), argumentB.toPrimitive(), combinator); return new Reduce<>(join, aggregator, dimensions); } @Override public final Tensor evaluate(EvaluationContext context) { Tensor a = argumentA.evaluate(context); Tensor b = argumentB.evaluate(context); TensorType joinedType = new TensorType.Builder(a.type(), b.type()).build(); if (canOptimize(a, b)) { return evaluate((IndexedTensor)a, (IndexedTensor)b, joinedType); } return Reduce.evaluate(Join.evaluate(a, b, joinedType, combinator), dimensions, aggregator); } /** * Tests whether or not the reduce is over the join dimensions. The * remaining logic in this class assumes this to be true. * * If no dimensions are given, the join must be on all tensor dimensions. * * @return {@code true} if the implementation can optimize evaluation * given the two tensors. */ public boolean canOptimize(Tensor a, Tensor b) { if (a.type().dimensions().isEmpty() || b.type().dimensions().isEmpty()) // TODO: support scalars return false; if ( ! (a instanceof IndexedTensor)) return false; if ( ! (a.type().dimensions().stream().allMatch(d -> d.type() == TensorType.Dimension.Type.indexedBound))) return false; if ( ! (b instanceof IndexedTensor)) return false; if ( ! (b.type().dimensions().stream().allMatch(d -> d.type() == TensorType.Dimension.Type.indexedBound))) return false; TensorType commonDimensions = dimensionsInCommon((IndexedTensor)a, (IndexedTensor)b); if (dimensions.isEmpty()) { if (a.type().dimensions().size() != commonDimensions.dimensions().size()) return false; if (b.type().dimensions().size() != commonDimensions.dimensions().size()) return false; } else { for (TensorType.Dimension dimension : commonDimensions.dimensions()) { if (!dimensions.contains(dimension.name())) return false; } } return true; } /** * Evaluates the reduce-join. Special handling for common cases where the * reduce dimension is the innermost dimension in both tensors. */ private Tensor evaluate(IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b, TensorType joinedType) { TensorType reducedType = Reduce.outputType(joinedType, dimensions); if (reduceDimensionIsInnermost(a, b)) { if (a.type().dimensions().size() == 1 && b.type().dimensions().size() == 1) { return vectorVectorProduct(a, b, reducedType); } if (a.type().dimensions().size() == 1 && b.type().dimensions().size() == 2) { return vectorMatrixProduct(a, b, reducedType, false); } if (a.type().dimensions().size() == 2 && b.type().dimensions().size() == 1) { return vectorMatrixProduct(b, a, reducedType, true); } if (a.type().dimensions().size() == 2 && b.type().dimensions().size() == 2) { return matrixMatrixProduct(a, b, reducedType); } } return evaluateGeneral(a, b, reducedType); } private Tensor vectorVectorProduct(IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b, TensorType reducedType) { if ( a.type().dimensions().size() != 1 || b.type().dimensions().size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong dimension sizes for tensors for vector-vector product"); } IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder builder = (IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder)IndexedTensor.Builder.of(reducedType); long commonSize = Math.min(a.dimensionSizes().size(0), b.dimensionSizes().size(0)); Reduce.ValueAggregator agg = Reduce.ValueAggregator.ofType(aggregator); for (int ic = 0; ic < commonSize; ++ic) { double va = a.get(ic); double vb = b.get(ic); agg.aggregate(combinator.applyAsDouble(va, vb)); } builder.cellByDirectIndex(0, agg.aggregatedValue()); return builder.build(); } private Tensor vectorMatrixProduct(IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b, TensorType reducedType, boolean swapped) { if ( a.type().dimensions().size() != 1 || b.type().dimensions().size() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong dimension sizes for tensors for vector-matrix product"); } IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder builder = (IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder)IndexedTensor.Builder.of(reducedType); DimensionSizes sizesA = a.dimensionSizes(); DimensionSizes sizesB = b.dimensionSizes(); Reduce.ValueAggregator agg = Reduce.ValueAggregator.ofType(aggregator); for (int ib = 0; ib < sizesB.size(0); ++ib) { agg.reset(); for (int ic = 0; ic < Math.min(sizesA.size(0), sizesB.size(1)); ++ic) { double va = a.get(ic); double vb = b.get(ib * sizesB.size(1) + ic); double result = swapped ? combinator.applyAsDouble(vb, va) : combinator.applyAsDouble(va, vb); agg.aggregate(result); } builder.cellByDirectIndex(ib, agg.aggregatedValue()); } return builder.build(); } private Tensor matrixMatrixProduct(IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b, TensorType reducedType) { if ( a.type().dimensions().size() != 2 || b.type().dimensions().size() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong dimension sizes for tensors for matrix-matrix product"); } IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder builder = (IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder)IndexedTensor.Builder.of(reducedType); DimensionSizes sizesA = a.dimensionSizes(); DimensionSizes sizesB = b.dimensionSizes(); int iaToReduced = reducedType.indexOfDimension(a.type().dimensions().get(0).name()).get(); int ibToReduced = reducedType.indexOfDimension(b.type().dimensions().get(0).name()).get(); long strideA = iaToReduced < ibToReduced ? sizesB.size(0) : 1; long strideB = ibToReduced < iaToReduced ? sizesA.size(0) : 1; Reduce.ValueAggregator agg = Reduce.ValueAggregator.ofType(aggregator); for (int ia = 0; ia < sizesA.size(0); ++ia) { for (int ib = 0; ib < sizesB.size(0); ++ib) { agg.reset(); for (int ic = 0; ic < Math.min(sizesA.size(1), sizesB.size(1)); ++ic) { double va = a.get(ia * sizesA.size(1) + ic); double vb = b.get(ib * sizesB.size(1) + ic); agg.aggregate(combinator.applyAsDouble(va, vb)); } builder.cellByDirectIndex(ia * strideA + ib * strideB, agg.aggregatedValue()); } } return builder.build(); } private Tensor evaluateGeneral(IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b, TensorType reducedType) { IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder builder = (IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder)IndexedTensor.Builder.of(reducedType); TensorType onlyInA = Reduce.outputType(a.type(), dimensions); TensorType onlyInB = Reduce.outputType(b.type(), dimensions); TensorType common = dimensionsInCommon(a, b); // pre-calculate strides for each index position long[] stridesA = strides(a.type()); long[] stridesB = strides(b.type()); long[] stridesResult = strides(reducedType); // mapping of dimension indexes int[] mapOnlyAToA = Join.mapIndexes(onlyInA, a.type()); int[] mapCommonToA = Join.mapIndexes(common, a.type()); int[] mapOnlyBToB = Join.mapIndexes(onlyInB, b.type()); int[] mapCommonToB = Join.mapIndexes(common, b.type()); int[] mapOnlyAToResult = Join.mapIndexes(onlyInA, reducedType); int[] mapOnlyBToResult = Join.mapIndexes(onlyInB, reducedType); // TODO: refactor with code in IndexedTensor and Join MultiDimensionIterator ic = new MultiDimensionIterator(common); Reduce.ValueAggregator agg = Reduce.ValueAggregator.ofType(aggregator); for (MultiDimensionIterator ia = new MultiDimensionIterator(onlyInA); ia.hasNext(); ia.next()) { for (MultiDimensionIterator ib = new MultiDimensionIterator(onlyInB); ib.hasNext(); ib.next()) { agg.reset(); for (ic.reset(); ic.hasNext(); ic.next()) { double va = a.get(toDirectIndex(ia, ic, stridesA, mapOnlyAToA, mapCommonToA)); double vb = b.get(toDirectIndex(ib, ic, stridesB, mapOnlyBToB, mapCommonToB)); agg.aggregate(combinator.applyAsDouble(va, vb)); } builder.cellByDirectIndex(toDirectIndex(ia, ib, stridesResult, mapOnlyAToResult, mapOnlyBToResult), agg.aggregatedValue()); } } return builder.build(); } private long toDirectIndex(MultiDimensionIterator iter, MultiDimensionIterator common, long[] strides, int[] map, int[] commonmap) { long directIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iter.length(); ++i) { directIndex += strides[map[i]] * iter.iterator[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < common.length(); ++i) { directIndex += strides[commonmap[i]] * common.iterator[i]; } return directIndex; } private long[] strides(TensorType type) { long[] strides = new long[type.dimensions().size()]; if (strides.length > 0) { long previous = 1; strides[strides.length - 1] = previous; for (int i = strides.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { strides[i] = previous * type.dimensions().get(i + 1).size().get(); previous = strides[i]; } } return strides; } private TensorType dimensionsInCommon(IndexedTensor a, IndexedTensor b) { TensorType.Builder builder = new TensorType.Builder(TensorType.combinedValueType(a.type(), b.type())); for (TensorType.Dimension aDim : a.type().dimensions()) { for (TensorType.Dimension bDim : b.type().dimensions()) { if (aDim.name().equals(bDim.name())) { if ( ! aDim.size().isPresent()) { builder.set(aDim); } else if ( ! bDim.size().isPresent()) { builder.set(bDim); } else { builder.set(aDim.size().get() < bDim.size().get() ? aDim : bDim); // minimum size of dimension } } } } return builder.build(); } /** * Tests if there is exactly one reduce dimension and it is the innermost * dimension in both tensors. */ private boolean reduceDimensionIsInnermost(Tensor a, Tensor b) { List reducingDimensions = dimensions; if (reducingDimensions.isEmpty()) { reducingDimensions = dimensionsInCommon((IndexedTensor)a, (IndexedTensor)b).dimensions().stream() .map(TensorType.Dimension::name) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } if (reducingDimensions.size() != 1) { return false; } String dimension = reducingDimensions.get(0); int indexInA = a.type().indexOfDimension(dimension).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Reduce-Join dimension '" + dimension + "' missing in tensor A.")); if (indexInA != (a.type().dimensions().size() - 1)) { return false; } int indexInB = b.type().indexOfDimension(dimension).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Reduce-Join dimension '" + dimension + "' missing in tensor B.")); if (indexInB < (b.type().dimensions().size() - 1)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString(ToStringContext context) { return "reduce_join(" + argumentA.toString(context) + ", " + argumentB.toString(context) + ", " + combinator + ", " + aggregator + Reduce.commaSeparated(dimensions) + ")"; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash("reduce_join", argumentA, argumentB, combinator, aggregator, dimensions); } private static class MultiDimensionIterator { private final long[] bounds; private final long[] iterator; private int remaining; MultiDimensionIterator(TensorType type) { bounds = new long[type.dimensions().size()]; iterator = new long[type.dimensions().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < bounds.length; ++i) { bounds[i] = type.dimensions().get(i).size().get(); } reset(); } public int length() { return iterator.length; } public boolean hasNext() { return remaining > 0; } public void reset() { remaining = 1; for (int i = iterator.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { iterator[i] = 0; remaining *= bounds[i]; } } public void next() { for (int i = iterator.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { iterator[i] += 1; if (iterator[i] < bounds[i]) { break; } iterator[i] = 0; } remaining -= 1; } @Override public String toString() { return Arrays.toString(iterator); } } }