// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor.serialization; import com.yahoo.lang.MutableInteger; import com.yahoo.slime.ArrayTraverser; import com.yahoo.slime.Cursor; import com.yahoo.slime.Inspector; import com.yahoo.slime.JsonDecoder; import com.yahoo.slime.ObjectTraverser; import com.yahoo.slime.Slime; import com.yahoo.slime.Type; import com.yahoo.tensor.DimensionSizes; import com.yahoo.tensor.IndexedTensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.MappedTensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.MixedTensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.Tensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorAddress; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType; import com.yahoo.tensor.evaluation.Name; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.ConstantTensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Slice; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Writes tensors on the JSON format used in Vespa tensor document fields: * A JSON map containing a 'cells' or 'values' array. * See * https://docs.vespa.ai/en/reference/document-json-format.html * * @author bratseth */ public class JsonFormat { /** * Serializes the given tensor value into JSON format. * * @param tensor the tensor to serialize * @param shortForm whether to encode in a short type-dependent format * @param directValues whether to encode values directly, or wrapped in am object containing "type" and "cells" */ public static byte[] encode(Tensor tensor, boolean shortForm, boolean directValues) { Slime slime = new Slime(); Cursor root = null; if ( ! directValues) { root = slime.setObject(); root.setString("type", tensor.type().toString()); } if (shortForm) { if (tensor instanceof IndexedTensor denseTensor) { // Encode as nested lists if indexed tensor Cursor parent = root == null ? slime.setArray() : root.setArray("values"); encodeValues(denseTensor, parent, new long[denseTensor.dimensionSizes().dimensions()], 0); } else if (tensor instanceof MappedTensor && tensor.type().dimensions().size() == 1) { // Short form for a single mapped dimension Cursor parent = root == null ? slime.setObject() : root.setObject("cells"); encodeSingleDimensionCells((MappedTensor) tensor, parent); } else if (tensor instanceof MixedTensor && tensor.type().dimensions().stream().anyMatch(TensorType.Dimension::isMapped)) { // Short form for a mixed tensor boolean singleMapped = tensor.type().dimensions().stream().filter(TensorType.Dimension::isMapped).count() == 1; Cursor parent = root == null ? ( singleMapped ? slime.setObject() : slime.setArray() ) : ( singleMapped ? root.setObject("blocks") : root.setArray("blocks")); encodeBlocks((MixedTensor) tensor, parent); } else { // default to standard cell address output Cursor parent = root == null ? slime.setArray() : root.setArray("cells"); encodeCells(tensor, parent); } return com.yahoo.slime.JsonFormat.toJsonBytes(slime); } else { Cursor parent = root == null ? slime.setArray() : root.setArray("cells"); encodeCells(tensor, parent); } return com.yahoo.slime.JsonFormat.toJsonBytes(slime); } /** Serializes the given tensor value into JSON format, in long format, wrapped in an object containing "cells" only. */ public static byte[] encode(Tensor tensor) { return encode(tensor, false, false); } /** * Serializes the given tensor type and value into JSON format. * * @deprecated use #encode(#Tensor, boolean, boolean) */ @Deprecated // TODO: Remove on Vespa 9 public static byte[] encodeWithType(Tensor tensor) { return encode(tensor, false, false); } /** * Serializes the given tensor type and value into a short-form JSON format. * * @deprecated use #encode(#Tensor, boolean, boolean) */ @Deprecated // TODO: Remove on Vespa 9 public static byte[] encodeShortForm(Tensor tensor) { return encode(tensor, true, false); } private static void encodeCells(Tensor tensor, Cursor cellsArray) { for (Iterator i = tensor.cellIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Tensor.Cell cell = i.next(); Cursor cellObject = cellsArray.addObject(); encodeAddress(tensor.type(), cell.getKey(), cellObject.setObject("address")); setValue("value", cell.getValue(), tensor.type().valueType(), cellObject); } } private static void encodeSingleDimensionCells(MappedTensor tensor, Cursor cells) { if (tensor.type().dimensions().size() > 1) throw new IllegalStateException("JSON encode of mapped tensor can only contain a single dimension"); tensor.cells().forEach((k,v) -> setValue(k.label(0), v, tensor.type().valueType(), cells)); } private static void encodeAddress(TensorType type, TensorAddress address, Cursor addressObject) { for (int i = 0; i < address.size(); i++) addressObject.setString(type.dimensions().get(i).name(), address.label(i)); } private static void encodeValues(IndexedTensor tensor, Cursor cursor, long[] indexes, int dimension) { DimensionSizes sizes = tensor.dimensionSizes(); if (indexes.length == 0) { addValue(tensor.get(0), tensor.type().valueType(), cursor); } else { for (indexes[dimension] = 0; indexes[dimension] < sizes.size(dimension); ++indexes[dimension]) { if (dimension < (sizes.dimensions() - 1)) { encodeValues(tensor, cursor.addArray(), indexes, dimension + 1); } else { addValue(tensor.get(indexes), tensor.type().valueType(), cursor); } } } } private static void encodeBlocks(MixedTensor tensor, Cursor cursor) { var mappedDimensions = tensor.type().dimensions().stream().filter(d -> d.isMapped()) .map(d -> TensorType.Dimension.mapped(d.name())).toList(); if (mappedDimensions.size() < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Should be ensured by caller"); } // Create tensor type for mapped dimensions subtype TensorType mappedSubType = new TensorType.Builder(mappedDimensions).build(); TensorType denseSubType = tensor.type().indexedSubtype(); for (var subspace : tensor.getInternalDenseSubspaces()) { IndexedTensor denseSubspace = IndexedTensor.Builder.of(denseSubType, subspace.cells).build(); if (mappedDimensions.size() == 1) { encodeValues(denseSubspace, cursor.setArray(subspace.sparseAddress.label(0)), new long[denseSubspace.dimensionSizes().dimensions()], 0); } else { Cursor block = cursor.addObject(); encodeAddress(mappedSubType, subspace.sparseAddress, block.setObject("address")); encodeValues(denseSubspace, block.setArray("values"), new long[denseSubspace.dimensionSizes().dimensions()], 0); } } } private static void addValue(double value, TensorType.Value valueType, Cursor cursor) { if (valueType == TensorType.Value.INT8) cursor.addLong((long)value); else cursor.addDouble(value); } private static void setValue(String field, double value, TensorType.Value valueType, Cursor cursor) { if (valueType == TensorType.Value.INT8) cursor.setLong(field, (long)value); else cursor.setDouble(field, value); } private static TensorAddress subAddress(TensorAddress address, TensorType subType, TensorType origType) { TensorAddress.Builder builder = new TensorAddress.Builder(subType); for (TensorType.Dimension dim : subType.dimensions()) { builder.add(dim.name(), address.label(origType.indexOfDimension(dim.name()). orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Could not find mapped dimension index")))); } return builder.build(); } private static Tensor sliceSubAddress(Tensor tensor, TensorAddress subAddress, TensorType subType) { List> sliceDims = new ArrayList<>(subAddress.size()); for (int i = 0; i < subAddress.size(); ++i) { sliceDims.add(new Slice.DimensionValue<>(subType.dimensions().get(i).name(), subAddress.label(i))); } return new Slice<>(new ConstantTensor<>(tensor), sliceDims).evaluate(); } /** Deserializes the given tensor from JSON format */ // NOTE: This must be kept in sync with com.yahoo.document.json.readers.TensorReader in the document module public static Tensor decode(TensorType type, byte[] jsonTensorValue) { Tensor.Builder builder = Tensor.Builder.of(type); Inspector root = new JsonDecoder().decode(new Slime(), jsonTensorValue).get(); if (root.field("cells").valid() && ! primitiveContent(root.field("cells"))) decodeCells(root.field("cells"), builder); else if (root.field("values").valid() && builder.type().dimensions().stream().allMatch(d -> d.isIndexed())) decodeValuesAtTop(root.field("values"), builder); else if (root.field("blocks").valid()) decodeBlocks(root.field("blocks"), builder); else decodeDirectValue(root, builder); return builder.build(); } private static boolean primitiveContent(Inspector cellsValue) { if (cellsValue.type() == Type.DOUBLE) return true; if (cellsValue.type() == Type.LONG) return true; if (cellsValue.type() == Type.ARRAY && cellsValue.entries() > 0 && ( cellsValue.entry(0).type() == Type.DOUBLE || cellsValue.entry(0).type() == Type.LONG)) return true; return false; } private static void decodeCells(Inspector cells, Tensor.Builder builder) { if (cells.type() == Type.ARRAY) cells.traverse((ArrayTraverser) (__, cell) -> decodeCell(cell, builder)); else if (cells.type() == Type.OBJECT) cells.traverse((ObjectTraverser) (key, value) -> decodeSingleDimensionCell(key, value, builder)); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Excepted 'cells' to contain an array or object, not " + cells.type()); } private static void decodeCell(Inspector cell, Tensor.Builder builder) { TensorAddress address = decodeAddress(cell.field("address"), builder.type()); Inspector value = cell.field("value"); if (value.type() == Type.STRING || value.type() == Type.LONG || value.type() == Type.DOUBLE) { builder.cell(address, decodeNumeric(value)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Excepted a cell to contain a numeric value called 'value'"); } } private static void decodeSingleDimensionCell(String key, Inspector value, Tensor.Builder builder) { builder.cell(asAddress(key, builder.type()), decodeNumeric(value)); } private static void decodeValuesAtTop(Inspector values, Tensor.Builder builder) { decodeNestedValues(values, builder, new MutableInteger(0)); } private static void decodeNestedValues(Inspector values, Tensor.Builder builder, MutableInteger index) { if ( ! (builder instanceof IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder indexedBuilder)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("An array of values can only be used with a dense tensor. Use a map instead"); if (values.type() == Type.STRING) { double[] decoded = decodeHexString(values.asString(), builder.type().valueType()); if (decoded.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The values string does not contain any values"); for (int i = 0; i < decoded.length; i++) { indexedBuilder.cellByDirectIndex(i, decoded[i]); } return; } if (values.type() != Type.ARRAY) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Excepted values to be an array, not " + values.type()); if (values.entries() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The values array does not contain any values"); values.traverse((ArrayTraverser) (__, value) -> { if (value.type() == Type.ARRAY) decodeNestedValues(value, builder, index); else if (value.type() == Type.LONG || value.type() == Type.DOUBLE || value.type() == Type.STRING) indexedBuilder.cellByDirectIndex(index.next(), decodeNumeric(value)); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Excepted the values array to contain numbers or nested arrays, not " + value.type()); }); } private static void decodeBlocks(Inspector values, Tensor.Builder builder) { if ( ! (builder instanceof MixedTensor.BoundBuilder mixedBuilder)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Blocks of values can only be used with mixed (sparse and dense) tensors." + "Use an array of cell values instead."); if (values.type() == Type.ARRAY) values.traverse((ArrayTraverser) (__, value) -> decodeBlock(value, mixedBuilder)); else if (values.type() == Type.OBJECT) values.traverse((ObjectTraverser) (key, value) -> decodeSingleDimensionBlock(key, value, mixedBuilder)); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Excepted the block to contain an array or object, not " + values.type()); } private static void decodeBlock(Inspector block, MixedTensor.BoundBuilder mixedBuilder) { if (block.type() != Type.OBJECT) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an item in a blocks array to be an object, not " + block.type()); mixedBuilder.block(decodeAddress(block.field("address"), mixedBuilder.type().mappedSubtype()), decodeValuesInBlock(block.field("values"), mixedBuilder)); } /** Decodes a tensor value directly at the root, where the format is decided by the tensor type. */ private static void decodeDirectValue(Inspector root, Tensor.Builder builder) { boolean hasIndexed = builder.type().dimensions().stream().anyMatch(TensorType.Dimension::isIndexed); boolean hasMapped = builder.type().dimensions().stream().anyMatch(TensorType.Dimension::isMapped); if (isArrayOfObjects(root)) decodeCells(root, builder); else if ( ! hasMapped) decodeValuesAtTop(root, builder); else if (hasMapped && hasIndexed) decodeBlocks(root, builder); else decodeCells(root, builder); } private static boolean isArrayOfObjects(Inspector inspector) { if (inspector.type() != Type.ARRAY) return false; if (inspector.entries() == 0) return false; Inspector firstItem = inspector.entry(0); if (firstItem.type() == Type.ARRAY) return isArrayOfObjects(firstItem); return firstItem.type() == Type.OBJECT; } private static void decodeSingleDimensionBlock(String key, Inspector value, MixedTensor.BoundBuilder mixedBuilder) { if (value.type() != Type.ARRAY) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an item in a blocks array to be an array, not " + value.type()); mixedBuilder.block(asAddress(key, mixedBuilder.type().mappedSubtype()), decodeValuesInBlock(value, mixedBuilder)); } private static byte decodeHex(String input, int index) { int d = Character.digit(input.charAt(index), 16); if (d < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid digit '"+input.charAt(index)+"' at index "+index+" in input "+input); } return (byte)d; } private static double[] decodeHexStringAsBytes(String input) { int l = input.length() / 2; double[] result = new double[l]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { byte v = decodeHex(input, idx++); v <<= 4; v += decodeHex(input, idx++); result[i] = v; } return result; } private static double[] decodeHexStringAsBFloat16s(String input) { int l = input.length() / 4; double[] result = new double[l]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { int v = decodeHex(input, idx++); v <<= 4; v += decodeHex(input, idx++); v <<= 4; v += decodeHex(input, idx++); v <<= 4; v += decodeHex(input, idx++); v <<= 16; result[i] = Float.intBitsToFloat(v); } return result; } private static double[] decodeHexStringAsFloats(String input) { int l = input.length() / 8; double[] result = new double[l]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { int v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { v <<= 4; v += decodeHex(input, idx++); } result[i] = Float.intBitsToFloat(v); } return result; } private static double[] decodeHexStringAsDoubles(String input) { int l = input.length() / 16; double[] result = new double[l]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { long v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { v <<= 4; v += decodeHex(input, idx++); } result[i] = Double.longBitsToDouble(v); } return result; } public static double[] decodeHexString(String input, TensorType.Value valueType) { return switch (valueType) { case INT8 -> decodeHexStringAsBytes(input); case BFLOAT16 -> decodeHexStringAsBFloat16s(input); case FLOAT -> decodeHexStringAsFloats(input); case DOUBLE -> decodeHexStringAsDoubles(input); }; } private static void decodeMaybeNestedValuesInBlock(Inspector arrayField, double[] target, MutableInteger index) { if (arrayField.entries() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The block value array does not contain any values"); } arrayField.traverse((ArrayTraverser) (__, value) -> { if (value.type() == Type.ARRAY) { decodeMaybeNestedValuesInBlock(value, target, index); } else { target[index.next()] = decodeNumeric(value); } }); } private static double[] decodeValuesInBlock(Inspector valuesField, MixedTensor.BoundBuilder mixedBuilder) { double[] values = new double[(int)mixedBuilder.denseSubspaceSize()]; if (valuesField.type() == Type.ARRAY) { decodeMaybeNestedValuesInBlock(valuesField, values, new MutableInteger(0)); } else if (valuesField.type() == Type.STRING) { double[] decoded = decodeHexString(valuesField.asString(), mixedBuilder.type().valueType()); if (decoded.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The block value string does not contain any values"); } for (int i = 0; i < decoded.length; i++) { values[i] = decoded[i]; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a block to contain an array of values"); } return values; } private static TensorAddress decodeAddress(Inspector addressField, TensorType type) { if (addressField.type() != Type.OBJECT) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an 'address' object, not " + addressField.type()); TensorAddress.Builder builder = new TensorAddress.Builder(type); addressField.traverse((ObjectTraverser) (dimension, label) -> builder.add(dimension, label.asString())); return builder.build(); } private static TensorAddress asAddress(String label, TensorType type) { if (type.dimensions().size() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a tensor with a single dimension but got " + type); return new TensorAddress.Builder(type).add(type.dimensions().get(0).name(), label).build(); } private static double decodeNumeric(Inspector numericField) { if (numericField.type() == Type.STRING) { return decodeNumberString(numericField.asString()); } if (numericField.type() != Type.LONG && numericField.type() != Type.DOUBLE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Excepted a number, not " + numericField.type()); return numericField.asDouble(); } public static double decodeNumberString(String input) { String s = input.toLowerCase(); if (s.equals("infinity") || s.equals("+infinity") || s.equals("inf") || s.equals("+inf")) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } if (s.equals("-infinity") || s.equals("-inf")) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (s.equals("nan") || s.equals("+nan")) { return Double.NaN; } if (s.equals("-nan")) { return Math.copySign(Double.NaN, -1.0); // or Double.longBitsToDouble(0xfff8000000000000L); } throw new NumberFormatException("Excepted a number, got string '" + input + "'"); } }