// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.text; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.StringReader; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; /** * @author Bjorn Borud * @author Steinar Knutsen */ public class XMLTestCase { @Test public void testSimple() { String s1 = "this is a < test"; String s2 = "this is a & test"; String s3 = "this is a \" test"; String s4 = "this is a <\" test"; String s5 = "this is a low \u001F test"; assertEquals("this is a < test", XML.xmlEscape(s1, true)); assertEquals("this is a & test", XML.xmlEscape(s2, true)); // quotes are only escaped in attributes // assertEquals("this is a " test", XML.xmlEscape(s3, true)); assertEquals("this is a \" test", XML.xmlEscape(s3, false)); // quotes are only escaped in attributes. prevent bug // no. 187006 from happening again! // assertEquals("this is a <" test", XML.xmlEscape(s4, true)); assertEquals("this is a <\" test", XML.xmlEscape(s4, false)); assertEquals("this is a low \uFFFD test", XML.xmlEscape(s5, false)); String s = XML.xmlEscape(s5, false, false); assertEquals(0x1F, s.toCharArray()[14]); } @Test public void testInvalidUnicode() { assertEquals("a\ufffd\ufffdb",XML.xmlEscape("a\uffff\uffffb", false)); } @Test public void testInvalidUnicodeAlongWithEscaping() { assertEquals("a\ufffd\ufffdb&",XML.xmlEscape("a\ufffe\uffffb&", false)); } @Test public void testWhenFirstCharacterMustBeEscaped() { assertEquals("&co", XML.xmlEscape("&co", false)); assertEquals("\ufffd is a perfectly fine character;", XML.xmlEscape("\u0000 is a perfectly fine character;", false)); } @Test public void testLineNoise() { assertEquals("\ufffda\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdb&\u380c\ufb06\uD87E\uDDF2\ufffd \ufffd", XML.xmlEscape("\u0001a\u0000\ufffe\uffffb&\u380c\ufb06\uD87E\uDDF2\uD87E \uD87E", false)); } @Test public void testZeroLength() { assertEquals("", XML.xmlEscape("", false)); } @Test public void testAllEscaped() { assertEquals("&\ufffd\ufffd", XML.xmlEscape("&\u0000\uffff", false)); } @Test public void testNoneEscaped() { assertEquals("a\ud87e\uddf2\u00e5", XML.xmlEscape("a\ud87e\uddf2\u00e5", false)); } @Test public void testReturnSameIfNoQuoting() { String a = "abc"; String b = XML.xmlEscape(a, false); assertSame("xmlEscape should return its input if no change is necessary.", a, b); } @Test public void testValidAttributeNames() { assertTrue(XML.isName(":A_a\u00C0\u00D8\u00F8\u0370\u037F\u200C\u2070\u2C00\u3001\uF900\uFDF0\uD800\uDC00")); assertFalse(XML.isName(" ")); assertFalse(XML.isName(": ")); assertTrue(XML.isName("sss")); } @Test public void testExceptionContainingLineNumberAndColumnNumber() { final String invalidXml = "\n" + "