#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. foreach $arg ( @ARGV ) { $hgd = $arg; # maybe: . "_"; $hgd =~ s{\W}{_}g; $hgd =~ tr{a-z}{A-Z}; $hgd =~ s{^_*}{H_}; # print "arg $arg header guard $hgd\n"; open(FOO, $arg) or die "Cannot open '$arg'\n"; $backup = $arg . ".orig"; rename ($arg, $backup); open(ARGVOUT, ">$arg") or die "cannot write to '$arg'\n"; select(ARGVOUT); my $eic = 0; my $cnt = 1; while () { ++$eic if m{#endif} ; } seek FOO, 0, 0; while () { if ($cnt == 1 and m{^#ifndef}) { s{\s.*}{ $hgd}; ++$cnt; } if ($cnt == 2 and m{^#define}) { s{\s.*}{ $hgd}; ++$cnt; } if ( m{#endif} ) { --$eic; if ($eic == 0) { s{.*#endif.*}{#endif // header guard}; } } print; } close(FOO); select(STDOUT); close(ARGVOUT); unlink($backup); } exit 0;