// Copyright 2018 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include using namespace vespalib; TEST("require that write then read works") { Latch latch; EXPECT_TRUE(!latch.has_value()); latch.write(42); EXPECT_TRUE(latch.has_value()); EXPECT_EQUAL(latch.read(), 42); EXPECT_TRUE(!latch.has_value()); } TEST_MT_FFF("require that read waits for write", 2, Latch(), Gate(), TimeBomb(60)) { if (thread_id == 0) { EXPECT_TRUE(!f2.await(10)); f1.write(123); EXPECT_TRUE(f2.await(60000)); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL(f1.read(), 123); f2.countDown(); } } TEST_MT_FFF("require that write waits for read", 2, Latch(), Gate(), TimeBomb(60)) { if (thread_id == 0) { f1.write(123); f1.write(456); f2.countDown(); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(!f2.await(10)); EXPECT_EQUAL(f1.read(), 123); EXPECT_TRUE(f2.await(60000)); EXPECT_EQUAL(f1.read(), 456); } } struct MyInt { int value; MyInt(int value_in) : value(value_in) {} MyInt(MyInt &&rhs) = default; MyInt(const MyInt &rhs) = delete; MyInt &operator=(const MyInt &rhs) = delete; MyInt &operator=(MyInt &&rhs) = delete; }; TEST("require that un-assignable non-default-constructable move-only objects can be used") { Latch latch; latch.write(MyInt(1337)); EXPECT_EQUAL(latch.read().value, 1337); } struct MyObj { static int total; int *with_state; MyObj(int &with_state_in) : with_state(&with_state_in) {} MyObj(MyObj &&rhs) { with_state = rhs.with_state; rhs.with_state = nullptr; } void detach() { with_state = nullptr; } ~MyObj() { ++total; if (with_state) { ++(*with_state); } } MyObj(const MyObj &rhs) = delete; MyObj &operator=(const MyObj &rhs) = delete; MyObj &operator=(MyObj &&rhs) = delete; }; int MyObj::total = 0; TEST("require that latched objects are appropriately destructed") { int with_state = 0; int total_sample = 0; { Latch latch1; Latch latch2; Latch latch3; latch2.write(MyObj(with_state)); latch3.write(MyObj(with_state)); latch2.read().detach(); EXPECT_TRUE(!latch1.has_value()); EXPECT_TRUE(!latch2.has_value()); EXPECT_TRUE(latch3.has_value()); EXPECT_EQUAL(with_state, 0); EXPECT_GREATER_EQUAL(MyObj::total, 1); total_sample = MyObj::total; } EXPECT_EQUAL(MyObj::total, total_sample + 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(with_state, 1); } TEST_MAIN() { TEST_RUN_ALL(); }