// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("logctl", "$Id$"); using namespace ns_log; static void modifyLevels(const char *file, char *component, char *levels, bool shouldCreateFile, bool shouldCreateEntry); static void readLevels(const char *file, char *component); static void usage(const char *name) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTION] [:component-specification]\n" " or: %s [OPTION] [:component-spec] \n" "Print or modify log levels for a VESPA service.\n\n" " -c Create the control file if it does not exist (implies -n)\n" " -a Update all .logcontrol files in \n" " -r Reset to default levels\n" " -n Create the component entry if it does not exist\n" " -f Use as the log control file\n" " -d Look in for log control files\n\n" " are defined as follows:\n" " =[,=]...\n" " is one of:\n" " all, fatal, error, warning, info, event, config, debug or spam\n\n" "component-specification specicies which sub-components of the\n" "service should be controlled. If it is empty, all components\n" "are controlled:\n" " x. : Matches only component x\n" " x : Matches component x and all its sub-components\n\n" "Example: %s topleveldispatch:log all=on,spam=off,debug=off : For service\n" "topleveldispatch, set log and all sub-components of log to enable all\n" "except spam and debug.\n\n", name, name, name); } static std::vector findAllFiles(const char *dir) { std::vector rv; DIR *d = opendir(dir); if (d == NULL) { perror(dir); return rv; } LOG(spam, "scanning %s", dir); struct dirent *entry; while ((entry = readdir(d)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; const char *suffix = ".logcontrol"; LOG(spam, "check %s", entry->d_name); if (strlen(entry->d_name) > strlen(suffix)) { char *cmp = entry->d_name + strlen(entry->d_name) - strlen(suffix); if (strcmp(suffix, cmp) == 0) { std::string fn = dir; fn.append("/"); fn.append(entry->d_name); struct stat sb; if (stat(fn.c_str(), &sb) == 0) { if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) { *cmp = 0; rv.push_back(entry->d_name); } } else { perror(fn.c_str()); } } } } closedir(d); return rv; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { vespa::Defaults::bootstrap(argv[0]); const char *dir = getenv("VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_DIR"); const char *file = getenv("VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_FILE"); const char *root = getenv("ROOT"); if (!root) { root = vespa::Defaults::vespaHome(); } bool shouldCreateFile = false; bool shouldCreateEntry = false; bool doAllFiles = false; bool doOnlyFile = false; bool doResetLevels = false; while (1) { int c = getopt(argc, argv, "acnrf:d:h"); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'a': doAllFiles = true; break; case 'r': doResetLevels = true; case 'c': shouldCreateFile = true; // fallthrough case 'n': shouldCreateEntry = true; break; case 'f': file = strdup(optarg); doOnlyFile = true; break; case 'd': dir = strdup(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (!dir && !file) { snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/var/db/vespa/logcontrol", root); dir = buf; } typedef std::vector strlist_t; strlist_t services; char nullComponent[] = "default"; char *component = nullComponent; if (doAllFiles) { services = findAllFiles(dir); if (doOnlyFile) { fprintf(stderr, "-f and -a options cannot be used at the same time\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // No log control files exist if (services.empty()) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } else { if (optind >= argc) { usage(argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Missing service argument!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char *service = strdup(argv[optind]); ++optind; char *delim = strchr(service, ':'); if (delim) { *delim = 0; services.push_back(service); *delim = '.'; component = delim; } else { services.push_back(service); } } char defLevels[] = "all=on,debug=off,spam=off"; char *levels = NULL; if (doResetLevels) { levels = defLevels; } else { if (argc > optind) { levels = strdup(argv[optind]); ++optind; } } if (argc > optind) { usage(argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Too many arguments!\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool hadFailure = false; bool hadSuccess = false; for (strlist_t::iterator it = services.begin(); it != services.end(); ++it) { const char *service = (*it).c_str(); char serviceFile[PATH_MAX]; if (! doOnlyFile) { snprintf(serviceFile, sizeof serviceFile, "%s/%s.logcontrol", dir, service); file = serviceFile; } // fprintf(stderr, "Log control file %s:\n", file); try { if (levels) { modifyLevels(file, component, levels, shouldCreateFile, shouldCreateEntry); } else { readLevels(file, component); } hadSuccess = true; } catch (InvalidLogException& x) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed: %s\n", x.what()); hadFailure = true; } } if (hadFailure) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (! hadSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "no logcontrol files updates\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void modifyLevels(const char *file, char *componentPattern, char *levels, bool shouldCreateFile, bool shouldCreateEntry) { ControlFile cf(file, shouldCreateFile ? ControlFile::CREATE : ControlFile::READWRITE); Component *c; if (shouldCreateEntry) { cf.ensureComponent(componentPattern); } ComponentIterator iter(cf.getComponentIterator()); while ((c = iter.next()) != NULL) { std::unique_ptr component(c); if (component->matches(componentPattern)) { component->modifyLevels(levels); } } cf.flush(); } static void readLevels(const char *file, char *componentPattern) { ControlFile cf(file, ControlFile::READONLY); Component *c; ComponentIterator iter(cf.getComponentIterator()); while ((c = iter.next()) != NULL) { std::unique_ptr component(c); if (c->matches(componentPattern)) { c->display(); } } }