// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.log; import com.yahoo.log.impl.LogUtils; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * a levelcontroller that just implements a simple default * (possibly controlled by a system property or environment) * Should only be used internally in the log library */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") class DefaultLevelController implements LevelController { private String levelstring; private Level levelLimit = LogLevel.EVENT; DefaultLevelController(String env) { if (LogUtils.empty(env)) { env = "all -debug -spam"; } //level string is: fatal, error, warning, config, info, event, debug, spam if (env.equals("all")) { levelLimit = LogLevel.ALL; levelstring = " ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON"; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Level level : LogLevel.getLevels().values()) { String levelName = level.getName(); if (hasNegWord(levelName, env) || (!hasWord("all", env) && !hasWord(levelName, env))) { sb.append(" OFF"); } else { sb.append(" ON"); if ((level.intValue() < levelLimit.intValue())) { levelLimit = level; } } } levelstring = sb.toString(); } // System.err.println("default level controller levelstring: "+levelstring); } private boolean hasWord(String levelName, String inputLevels) { return inputLevels.contains(levelName.toLowerCase()); } private boolean hasNegWord(String levelName, String inputLevels) { int pos = inputLevels.indexOf(levelName.toLowerCase()); if (pos > 0) { String c = inputLevels.substring(pos - 1, pos); return (c != null && c.equals("-")); } else { return false; } } public String getOnOffString() { return levelstring; } public Level getLevelLimit() { return levelLimit; } public boolean shouldLog(Level level) { return (level.intValue() >= levelLimit.intValue()); } public void checkBack() { } }