# Config file for vespa malloc #loglevel = 0 should mean no logging. Only level 1 is implemented. logfile stderr # default(stderr) This is the file to where log is written (stderr, stdout, filename) # Tuning. But default is probably good. alwaysreuselimit 0x200000 # default(0x200000) Objects larger than this will always be returned to the segment for reuse, also by other size classes.. threadcachelimit 0x10000 # default(0x10000) Max bytes in thread local cache per size class. fillvalue 0xa8 # default(0xa8) means not used. libvespamalloc(dXXXX).so have the possibility to fill memory on free and verify on malloc. This is to help catch use after free errors. # Usefull options for debugging/analysis. sigprof_loglevel 2 # default(0) Loglevel used at SIGPROF/dumpsignal signal. atend_loglevel 2 # default(1) Loglevel used when application stops. dumpsignal 27 # SIGPROF is default signal for dumping. Can be overridden here. # Some to make you application dump state as it eats more and more memory. bigsegment_loglevel 1 # default(1) Loglevel used when datasegment passes a boundary. bigsegment_limit 0x1000000000 # default(0x1000000000) First level the datasegment must reach before logging is started bigsegment_increment 0x100000000 # default(0x100000000) At what increment it will log next time. # Dump all large allocations with stack trace. bigblocklimit 0x80000000 # default(0x800000) Limit for when to log new/deletes wuth stack trace. Only malloc(dXX).so # Lower size limit for when to log stacktrace. pralloc_loglimit 0x7fffffffffffffff # What to log pr alloc. default(0x7fffffffffffffff) except mallocdst(0x200000). mallocdst_nl(0x7fffffffffffffff), but has effect on SIGHUP. #Some deprecated/less usefull ones. allocs2show 0 # Number of allocations to show when dumping stacktrace.