// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include using namespace vespalib; class Test : public TestApp { public: ~Test(); int Main() override; private: bool useIPCHelper() const override { return true; } }; Test::~Test() { } void * just_return(void * arg) { return arg; } void * just_exit(void * arg) { pthread_exit(arg); } void * just_cancel(void * arg) { sleep(60); return arg; } struct wait_info { wait_info() : _count(0) { if (pthread_mutex_init(&_mutex, NULL) != 0) { abort(); } if (pthread_cond_init(&_cond, NULL) != 0) { abort(); } } ~wait_info() { if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&_mutex) != 0) { abort(); } if (pthread_cond_destroy(&_cond) != 0) { abort(); } } pthread_cond_t _cond; pthread_mutex_t _mutex; std::atomic _count; }; void * just_wait(void * arg) { wait_info * info = (wait_info *) arg; pthread_mutex_lock(&info->_mutex); info->_count.fetch_add(1); pthread_cond_wait(&info->_cond, &info->_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&info->_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&info->_cond); info->_count.fetch_sub(1); return arg; } int Test::Main() { TEST_INIT("thread_test"); size_t threadCount(102400); if (_argc >= 3) { threadCount = strtoul(_argv[2], NULL, 0); } const char * testType = _argv[1]; for (size_t i(0); i < threadCount; i++) { pthread_t th; void *retval; if (strcmp(testType, "exit") == 0) { EXPECT_EQUAL( pthread_create(&th, NULL, just_exit, NULL), 0); } else if (strcmp(testType, "cancel") == 0) { EXPECT_EQUAL( pthread_create(&th, NULL, just_cancel, NULL), 0); EXPECT_EQUAL( pthread_cancel(th), 0); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL( pthread_create(&th, NULL, just_return, NULL), 0); } EXPECT_EQUAL(pthread_join(th, &retval), 0); } wait_info info; pthread_attr_t attr; EXPECT_EQUAL(pthread_attr_init(&attr), 0); EXPECT_EQUAL(pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 64*1024), 0); EXPECT_EQUAL(info._count, 0ul); const size_t NUM_THREADS(16382); // +1 for main thread, +1 for testsystem = 16384 pthread_t tl[NUM_THREADS]; for (size_t j=0;j < NUM_THREADS;j++) { int e = pthread_create(&tl[j], &attr, just_wait, &info); if (e != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create failed at index '%ld'. with errno='%d'", j, e); perror("pthread_create failed"); abort(); } } pthread_t th; EXPECT_EQUAL( pthread_create(&th, &attr, just_wait, &info), EAGAIN); // Verify that you have reached upper limit of threads with vespamalloc. while (info._count != NUM_THREADS) { usleep(1); } pthread_mutex_lock(&info._mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&info._cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&info._mutex); for (size_t j=0;j < NUM_THREADS;j++) { void *retval; EXPECT_EQUAL(pthread_join(tl[j], &retval), 0); } EXPECT_EQUAL(pthread_attr_destroy(&attr), 0); EXPECT_EQUAL(info._count, 0ul); TEST_DONE(); } TEST_APPHOOK(Test);