# Preserve arrival date when emails are moved between folders CopyArrivalDate yes # IMAP account IMAPAccount fastmail Host imap.fastmail.com User mpolden@fastmail.com PassCmd "awk '/imap.fastmail.com/{getline; getline; print $2}' < ~/.netrc" SSLType IMAPS AuthMechs LOGIN # Remote store IMAPStore fastmail-remote Account fastmail # Local store MaildirStore fastmail-local Path ~/Maildir/ Inbox ~/Maildir/INBOX SubFolders Verbatim # Synchronization Channel fastmail Far :fastmail-remote: Near :fastmail-local: Patterns * !Spam !*@RESTORED !*@RESTORED/* # Save sync state inside Maildir SyncState * # Only create missing mailboxes on the slave Create Near # Propagate deletions to slave. Unwanted mail is moved to Trash folder by the # slave. Old mail is eventually deleted from Trash by master Expunge Near