CURDIR ?= $(.CURDIR) BREW ?= $(shell command -v brew 2> /dev/null) BREW_EMACS_FLAGS ?= --with-native-comp JDT_LS_HOME ?= $(CURDIR)/ JDT_LS_VERSION ?= 1.8.0 LN_FLAGS := -sfn COLOR := \033[32;01m NO_COLOR := \033[0m all: install install: ln $(LN_FLAGS) $(CURDIR) ~/.emacs.d install-emacs: ifneq ($(BREW),) $(BREW) tap railwaycat/emacsmacport $(BREW) install emacs-mac $(BREW_EMACS_FLAGS) ln -s `$(BREW) --prefix`/opt/emacs-mac/ /Applications/ || true else $(error brew command not found) endif install-lsp: install-lsp-go install-lsp-java install-lsp-python install-lsp-rust install-lsp-go: ifneq ($(BREW),) $(BREW) install gopls else go install endif install-lsp-java: mkdir $(JDT_LS_HOME) FILE=`curl -fsSL$(JDT_LS_VERSION)/latest.txt`; \ curl -fsSL$(JDT_LS_VERSION)/$$FILE | \ tar -C $(JDT_LS_HOME) -xf - @echo "eclipse jdt ls $(JDT_LS_VERSION) installed in $(COLOR)$(JDT_LS_HOME)$(NO_COLOR)" @echo "emacs/eglot needs the following environment variables set:" @echo "- $(COLOR)JAVA_HOME$(NO_COLOR) containing the path to a jdk installation" @printf -- "- $(COLOR)CLASSPATH$(NO_COLOR) containing $(COLOR)%s$(NO_COLOR)\n" \ $(JDT_LS_HOME)/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar install-lsp-python: python3 -m pip install --user -U python-lsp-server install-lsp-python-more: python3 -m pip install --user -U python-lsp-black pylsp-mypy install-lsp-rust: rustup component add rls update: git pull --rebase --quiet clean: rm -rf elpa/*