* emacs.d My personal Emacs settings with inspiration from: - [[https://github.com/magnars/.emacs.d][magnars/.emacs.d]] - [[https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d][purcell/emacs.d]] - [[https://github.com/technomancy/better-defaults][technomancy/better-defaults]] ** Considerations This =emacs.d= makes Emacs into a highly productive editor for me. I try to keep the following in mind when maintaining it: - Let Emacs be Emacs. Don't attempt to transform it into another editor. - Keep the configuration as small as possible. - Improve upon unusable default settings. - Build the configuration from scratch. Avoid Emacs distributions such as [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs][syl20bnr/spacemacs]], [[https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude][bbatsov/prelude]] or [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs][hlissner/doom-emacs]]. This is not a comment on the quality or purpose of such distributions, they're just not for me. - Keep the number of external packages to a minimum. - Eschew heavy-weight packages that fundamentally change how Emacs works. - Prefer packages that compose well with the rest of Emacs. - Try to unify keybindings across similar modes (e.g. =o= and =C-o= in =dired= and =grep=). Keybindings can be notoriously inconsistent across modes. - Be vigilant in throwing away keybindings, packages or other configuration that remains unused for long periods. - Don't complicate =org-mode= too much. I use =org= to manage much of my life and a minimum configuration exists to accomplish this. - Avoid additional =org= packages as =org= itself is more than big enough. - Make code navigation quick and easy. - Most non-trivial code repositories contain a high number of source files and navigating them efficiently is key to my productivity. - Limit responsibilities. I.e. I have tried and failed to use Emacs for email and RSS. ** Language Server Protocol The =Makefile= contains targets for installing servers that implement the Language Server Protocol (LSP). Once installed, =eglot= should detect and use the servers automatically. This configuration enables formatting on save by default. To disable this behavior, add the relevant mode(s) to =mpolden/inhibit-format-before-save=. Example: #+begin_src elisp (setq mpolden/inhibit-format-before-save '(foo-mode)) #+end_src ** Version compatibility Lowest supported Emacs version is the one found in [[https://packages.debian.org/stable/emacs][Debian stable]]. No guarantees for older versions. ** Setup Clone the repository: #+begin_src sh git clone https://github.com/mpolden/emacs.d #+end_src Install symlink in =~/.emacs.d=: *This will overwrite any existing file or symlink!* #+begin_src sh $ cd emacs.d $ make install #+end_src Start Emacs! ** Local customizations Local customizations can be added to =lisp/init-local.el=. This file is in =.gitignore=. Setting the variable =mpolden/inhibited-features= (e.g. in =lisp/init-local.el=) allows inhibiting loading of one or more features, i.e. files in =lisp=. Example: #+begin_src elisp (setq mpolden/inhibited-features '(init-foo init-bar)) #+end_src