XGOARCH := amd64 XGOOS := linux XBIN := $(XGOOS)_$(XGOARCH)/zdns all: lint test install test: ifdef TRAVIS go test -race ./... else go test ./... endif vet: go vet ./... golint: install-tools golint ./... staticcheck: install-tools staticcheck ./... fmt: bash -c "diff --line-format='%L' <(echo -n) <(gofmt -d -s .)" lint: fmt vet golint staticcheck install-tools: cd tools && \ go list -tags tools -f '{{range $$i := .Imports}}{{printf "%s\n" $$i}}{{end}}' | xargs go install install: go install ./... xinstall: # TODO: Switch to -static flags once 1.14 is released. # https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26492 env GOOS=$(XGOOS) GOARCH=$(XGOARCH) CGO_ENABLED=1 \ CC=x86_64-linux-musl-gcc go install -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' ./... publish: ifndef DEST_PATH $(error DEST_PATH must be set when publishing) endif rsync -az $(GOPATH)/bin/$(XBIN) $(DEST_PATH)/$(XBIN) @sha256sum $(GOPATH)/bin/$(XBIN)