package zdns import ( "fmt" "io" "net" "net/url" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) // Config specifies is the zdns configuration parameters. type Config struct { DNS DNSOptions Resolver ResolverOptions Hosts []Hosts } // DNSOptions controlers the behaviour of the DNS server. type DNSOptions struct { Listen string Protocol string `toml:"protocol"` CacheSize int `toml:"cache_size"` CachePrefetch bool `toml:"cache_prefetch"` HijackMode string `toml:"hijack_mode"` hijackMode int RefreshInterval string `toml:"hosts_refresh_interval"` refreshInterval time.Duration Resolvers []string LogDatabase string `toml:"log_database"` LogModeString string `toml:"log_mode"` LogMode int LogTTLString string `toml:"log_ttl"` LogTTL time.Duration ListenHTTP string `toml:"listen_http"` } // ResolverOptions controls the behaviour of resolvers. type ResolverOptions struct { Protocol string `toml:"protocol"` TimeoutString string `toml:"timeout"` Timeout time.Duration } // Hosts controls how a hosts file should be retrieved. type Hosts struct { URL string Hosts []string `toml:"entries"` hosts hosts.Hosts Hijack bool Timeout string timeout time.Duration } func newConfig() Config { c := Config{} // Default values c.DNS.Listen = "" c.DNS.ListenHTTP = "" c.DNS.Protocol = "udp" c.DNS.CacheSize = 4096 c.DNS.RefreshInterval = "48h" c.DNS.Resolvers = []string{ "", "", } c.DNS.LogTTLString = "168h" c.Resolver.TimeoutString = "5s" c.Resolver.Protocol = "tcp-tls" return c } func (c *Config) load() error { var err error if c.DNS.Listen == "" { return fmt.Errorf("invalid listening address: %s", c.DNS.Listen) } if c.DNS.Protocol == "" { c.DNS.Protocol = "udp" } if c.DNS.Protocol != "udp" { return fmt.Errorf("unsupported protocol: %s", c.DNS.Protocol) } if c.DNS.CacheSize < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("cache size must be >= 0") } switch c.DNS.HijackMode { case "", "zero": c.DNS.hijackMode = HijackZero case "empty": c.DNS.hijackMode = HijackEmpty case "hosts": c.DNS.hijackMode = HijackHosts default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid hijack mode: %s", c.DNS.HijackMode) } if c.DNS.RefreshInterval == "" { c.DNS.RefreshInterval = "0" } c.DNS.refreshInterval, err = time.ParseDuration(c.DNS.RefreshInterval) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid refresh interval: %w", err) } if c.DNS.refreshInterval < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("refresh interval must be >= 0") } for i, hs := range c.Hosts { if (hs.URL == "") == (hs.Hosts == nil) { return fmt.Errorf("exactly one of url or hosts must be set") } if hs.URL != "" { url, err := url.Parse(hs.URL) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid url: %w", hs.URL, err) } switch url.Scheme { case "file", "http", "https": default: return fmt.Errorf("%s: unsupported scheme: %s", hs.URL, url.Scheme) } if url.Scheme == "file" && hs.Timeout != "" { return fmt.Errorf("%s: timeout cannot be set for %s url", hs.URL, url.Scheme) } if c.Hosts[i].Timeout == "" { c.Hosts[i].Timeout = "0" } c.Hosts[i].timeout, err = time.ParseDuration(c.Hosts[i].Timeout) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid timeout: %s", hs.URL, hs.Timeout) } } if hs.Hosts != nil { if hs.Timeout != "" { return fmt.Errorf("%s: timeout cannot be set for inline hosts", hs.Hosts) } var err error r := strings.NewReader(strings.Join(hs.Hosts, "\n")) c.Hosts[i].hosts, err = hosts.Parse(r) if err != nil { return err } } } for _, r := range c.DNS.Resolvers { if c.Resolver.Protocol == "https" { u, err := url.Parse(r) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid resolver %s: %w", r, err) } if u.Scheme != "https" { return fmt.Errorf("protocol %s requires https scheme for resolver %s", c.Resolver.Protocol, r) } } else { if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(r); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid resolver: %w", err) } } } if c.Resolver.Protocol == "udp" { c.Resolver.Protocol = "" // Empty means UDP when passed to dns.ListenAndServe } switch c.Resolver.Protocol { case "", "tcp", "tcp-tls", "https": default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid resolver protocol: %s", c.Resolver.Protocol) } c.Resolver.Timeout, err = time.ParseDuration(c.Resolver.TimeoutString) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid resolver timeout: %s", c.Resolver.TimeoutString) } if c.Resolver.Timeout < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("resolver timeout must be >= 0") } if c.Resolver.Timeout == 0 { c.Resolver.Timeout = 5 * time.Second } switch c.DNS.LogModeString { case "": c.DNS.LogMode = log.ModeDiscard case "all": c.DNS.LogMode = log.ModeAll case "hijacked": c.DNS.LogMode = log.ModeHijacked default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid log mode: %s", c.DNS.LogModeString) } if c.DNS.LogModeString != "" && c.DNS.LogDatabase == "" { return fmt.Errorf("log_mode = %q requires log_database to be set", c.DNS.LogModeString) } if c.DNS.LogTTLString == "" { c.DNS.LogTTLString = "0" } c.DNS.LogTTL, err = time.ParseDuration(c.DNS.LogTTLString) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid log TTL: %s", c.DNS.LogTTLString) } return nil } // ReadConfig reads a zdns configuration from reader r. func ReadConfig(r io.Reader) (Config, error) { conf := newConfig() _, err := toml.DecodeReader(r, &conf) if err != nil { return Config{}, err } return conf, conf.load() }