diff options
authorOla Aunrønning <olaa@verizonmedia.com>2019-07-16 13:14:04 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-07-16 13:14:04 +0200
commitbc5442195e5d593b963c0c44a2354b7f0e0531bc (patch)
parent5ea5865f298c5499398b5a989f15350622a3d312 (diff)
parent7000cb8c3cde19a13763af7df593160a0063d4e0 (diff)
Merge pull request #10038 from vespa-engine/mgimle/host-capacity-explanation-endpoint
Mgimle/host capacity explanation endpoint
-rw-r--r--node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityCheckerTest.java (renamed from node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainerTest.java)54
-rw-r--r--node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityCheckerTester.java (renamed from node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainerTester.java)13
11 files changed, 853 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityChecker.java b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityChecker.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..48f846d5e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityChecker.java
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.maintenance;
+import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources;
+import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.Node;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.NodeRepository;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.node.Allocation;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+public class CapacityChecker {
+ private List<Node> hosts;
+ Map<String, Node> nodeMap;
+ private Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren;
+ private Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources;
+ public AllocationHistory allocationHistory = null;
+ public CapacityChecker(NodeRepository nodeRepository) {
+ this.hosts = getHosts(nodeRepository);
+ List<Node> tenants = getTenants(nodeRepository, hosts);
+ nodeMap = constructHostnameToNodeMap(hosts);
+ this.nodeChildren = constructNodeChildrenMap(tenants, hosts, nodeMap);
+ this.availableResources = constructAvailableResourcesMap(hosts, nodeChildren);
+ }
+ public List<Node> getHosts() {
+ return hosts;
+ }
+ public Optional<HostFailurePath> worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure() {
+ Map<Node, Integer> timesNodeCanBeRemoved = computeMaximalRepeatedRemovals(hosts, nodeChildren, availableResources);
+ return greedyHeuristicFindFailurePath(timesNodeCanBeRemoved, hosts, nodeChildren, availableResources);
+ }
+ protected List<Node> findOvercommittedHosts() {
+ return findOvercommittedNodes(availableResources);
+ }
+ public List<Node> nodesFromHostnames(List<String> hostnames) {
+ List<Node> nodes = hostnames.stream()
+ .filter(h -> nodeMap.containsKey(h))
+ .map(h -> nodeMap.get(h))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ if (nodes.size() != hostnames.size()) {
+ Set<String> notFoundNodes = new HashSet<>(hostnames);
+ notFoundNodes.removeAll(nodes.stream().map(Node::hostname).collect(Collectors.toList()));
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Host(s) not found: [ %s ]",
+ String.join(", ", notFoundNodes)));
+ }
+ return nodes;
+ }
+ public Optional<HostFailurePath> findHostRemovalFailure(List<Node> hostsToRemove) {
+ var removal = findHostRemovalFailure(hostsToRemove, hosts, nodeChildren, availableResources);
+ if (removal.isEmpty()) return Optional.empty();
+ HostFailurePath failurePath = new HostFailurePath();
+ failurePath.hostsCausingFailure = hostsToRemove;
+ failurePath.failureReason = removal.get();
+ return Optional.of(failurePath);
+ }
+ // We only care about nodes in one of these states.
+ private static Node.State[] relevantNodeStates = {
+ Node.State.active,
+ Node.State.inactive,
+ Node.State.dirty,
+ Node.State.provisioned,
+ Node.State.ready,
+ Node.State.reserved
+ };
+ private List<Node> getHosts(NodeRepository nodeRepository) {
+ return nodeRepository.getNodes(NodeType.host, relevantNodeStates);
+ }
+ private List<Node> getTenants(NodeRepository nodeRepository, List<Node> hosts) {
+ var parentNames = hosts.stream().map(Node::hostname).collect(Collectors.toSet());
+ return nodeRepository.getNodes(NodeType.tenant, relevantNodeStates).stream()
+ .filter(t -> parentNames.contains(t.parentHostname().orElse("")))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ private Optional<HostFailurePath> greedyHeuristicFindFailurePath(Map<Node, Integer> heuristic, List<Node> hosts,
+ Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren,
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
+ if (hosts.size() == 0) return Optional.empty();
+ List<Node> parentRemovalPriorityList = heuristic.entrySet().stream()
+ .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Map.Entry::getValue))
+ .map(Map.Entry::getKey)
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ for (int i = 1; i <= parentRemovalPriorityList.size(); i++) {
+ List<Node> hostsToRemove = parentRemovalPriorityList.subList(0, i);
+ var hostRemovalFailure = findHostRemovalFailure(hostsToRemove, hosts, nodeChildren, availableResources);
+ if (hostRemovalFailure.isPresent()) {
+ HostFailurePath failurePath = new HostFailurePath();
+ failurePath.hostsCausingFailure = hostsToRemove;
+ failurePath.failureReason = hostRemovalFailure.get();
+ return Optional.of(failurePath);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new IllegalStateException("No path to failure found. This should be impossible!");
+ }
+ private Map<String, Node> constructHostnameToNodeMap(List<Node> nodes) {
+ return nodes.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Node::hostname, n -> n));
+ }
+ private Map<Node, List<Node>> constructNodeChildrenMap(List<Node> tenants, List<Node> hosts, Map<String, Node> hostnameToNode) {
+ Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren = tenants.stream()
+ .filter(n -> n.parentHostname().isPresent())
+ .filter(n -> hostnameToNode.containsKey(n.parentHostname().get()))
+ .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
+ n -> hostnameToNode.get(n.parentHostname().orElseThrow())));
+ for (var host : hosts) nodeChildren.putIfAbsent(host, List.of());
+ return nodeChildren;
+ }
+ private Map<Node, AllocationResources> constructAvailableResourcesMap(List<Node> hosts, Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren) {
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources = new HashMap<>();
+ for (var host : hosts) {
+ NodeResources hostResources = host.flavor().resources();
+ int occupiedIps = 0;
+ Set<String> ipPool = host.ipAddressPool().asSet();
+ for (var child : nodeChildren.get(host)) {
+ hostResources = hostResources.subtract(child.flavor().resources().withDiskSpeed(NodeResources.DiskSpeed.any));
+ occupiedIps += child.ipAddresses().stream().filter(ipPool::contains).count();
+ }
+ availableResources.put(host, new AllocationResources(hostResources, host.ipAddressPool().asSet().size() - occupiedIps));
+ }
+ return availableResources;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes a heuristic for each host, with a lower score indicating a higher perceived likelihood that removing
+ * the host causes an unrecoverable state
+ */
+ private Map<Node, Integer> computeMaximalRepeatedRemovals(List<Node> hosts, Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren,
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
+ Map<Node, Integer> timesNodeCanBeRemoved = hosts.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
+ Function.identity(),
+ _x -> Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ ));
+ for (Node host : hosts) {
+ List<Node> children = nodeChildren.get(host);
+ if (children.size() == 0) continue;
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> resourceMap = new HashMap<>(availableResources);
+ Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations = collateAllocations(nodeChildren);
+ int timesHostCanBeRemoved = 0;
+ Optional<Node> unallocatedNode;
+ while (timesHostCanBeRemoved < 1000) { // Arbritrary upper bound
+ unallocatedNode = tryAllocateNodes(nodeChildren.get(host), hosts, resourceMap, containedAllocations);
+ if (unallocatedNode.isEmpty()) {
+ timesHostCanBeRemoved++;
+ } else break;
+ }
+ timesNodeCanBeRemoved.put(host, timesHostCanBeRemoved);
+ }
+ return timesNodeCanBeRemoved;
+ }
+ private List<Node> findOvercommittedNodes(Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
+ List<Node> overcommittedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (var entry : availableResources.entrySet()) {
+ var resources = entry.getValue().nodeResources;
+ if (resources.vcpu() < 0 || resources.memoryGb() < 0 || resources.diskGb() < 0) {
+ overcommittedNodes.add(entry.getKey());
+ }
+ }
+ return overcommittedNodes;
+ }
+ private Map<Node, List<Allocation>> collateAllocations(Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren) {
+ return nodeChildren.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
+ Map.Entry::getKey,
+ e -> e.getValue().stream()
+ .map(Node::allocation).flatMap(Optional::stream)
+ .collect(Collectors.toList())
+ ));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests whether it's possible to remove the provided hosts.
+ * Does not mutate any input variable.
+ * @return Empty optional if removal is possible, information on what caused the failure otherwise
+ */
+ private Optional<HostRemovalFailure> findHostRemovalFailure(List<Node> hostsToRemove, List<Node> allHosts,
+ Map<Node, List<Node>> nodechildren,
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
+ var containedAllocations = collateAllocations(nodechildren);
+ var resourceMap = new HashMap<>(availableResources);
+ List<Node> validAllocationTargets = allHosts.stream()
+ .filter(h -> !hostsToRemove.contains(h))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ if (validAllocationTargets.size() == 0) {
+ return Optional.of(HostRemovalFailure.none());
+ }
+ allocationHistory = new AllocationHistory();
+ for (var host : hostsToRemove) {
+ Optional<Node> unallocatedNode = tryAllocateNodes(nodechildren.get(host),
+ validAllocationTargets, resourceMap, containedAllocations, true);
+ if (unallocatedNode.isPresent()) {
+ AllocationFailureReasonList failures = collateAllocationFailures(unallocatedNode.get(),
+ validAllocationTargets, resourceMap, containedAllocations);
+ return Optional.of(HostRemovalFailure.create(host, unallocatedNode.get(), failures));
+ }
+ }
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attempts to allocate the listed nodes to a new host, mutating availableResources and containedAllocations,
+ * optionally returning the first node to fail, if one does.
+ * */
+ private Optional<Node> tryAllocateNodes(List<Node> nodes, List<Node> hosts,
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources,
+ Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
+ return tryAllocateNodes(nodes, hosts, availableResources, containedAllocations, false);
+ }
+ private Optional<Node> tryAllocateNodes(List<Node> nodes, List<Node> hosts,
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources,
+ Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations, boolean withHistory) {
+ for (var node : nodes) {
+ var newParent = tryAllocateNode(node, hosts, availableResources, containedAllocations);
+ if (newParent.isEmpty()) {
+ if (withHistory) allocationHistory.addEntry(node, null, 0);
+ return Optional.of(node);
+ }
+ if (withHistory) {
+ long eligibleParents =
+ hosts.stream().filter(h ->
+ !violatesParentHostPolicy(node, h, containedAllocations)
+ && availableResources.get(h).satisfies(AllocationResources.from(node.flavor().resources()))).count();
+ allocationHistory.addEntry(node, newParent.get(), eligibleParents + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return The parent to which the node was allocated, if it was successfully allocated.
+ */
+ private Optional<Node> tryAllocateNode(Node node, List<Node> hosts,
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources,
+ Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
+ AllocationResources requiredNodeResources = AllocationResources.from(node.flavor().resources());
+ for (var host : hosts) {
+ var availableHostResources = availableResources.get(host);
+ if (violatesParentHostPolicy(node, host, containedAllocations)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (availableHostResources.satisfies(requiredNodeResources)) {
+ availableResources.put(host, availableHostResources.subtract(requiredNodeResources));
+ if (node.allocation().isPresent()) {
+ containedAllocations.get(host).add(node.allocation().get());
+ }
+ return Optional.of(host);
+ }
+ }
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ private static boolean violatesParentHostPolicy(Node node, Node host, Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
+ if (node.allocation().isEmpty()) return false;
+ Allocation nodeAllocation = node.allocation().get();
+ for (var allocation : containedAllocations.get(host)) {
+ if (allocation.membership().cluster().equalsIgnoringGroupAndVespaVersion(nodeAllocation.membership().cluster())
+ && allocation.owner().equals(nodeAllocation.owner())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private AllocationFailureReasonList collateAllocationFailures(Node node, List<Node> hosts,
+ Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources,
+ Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
+ List<AllocationFailureReason> allocationFailureReasons = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (var host : hosts) {
+ AllocationFailureReason reason = new AllocationFailureReason(host);
+ var availableHostResources = availableResources.get(host);
+ reason.violatesParentHostPolicy = violatesParentHostPolicy(node, host, containedAllocations);
+ NodeResources l = availableHostResources.nodeResources;
+ NodeResources r = node.flavor().resources();
+ if (l.vcpu() < r.vcpu()) { reason.insufficientVcpu = true; }
+ if (l.memoryGb() < r.memoryGb()) { reason.insufficientMemoryGb = true; }
+ if (l.diskGb() < r.diskGb()) { reason.insufficientDiskGb = true; }
+ if (r.diskSpeed() != NodeResources.DiskSpeed.any && r.diskSpeed() != l.diskSpeed())
+ { reason.incompatibleDiskSpeed = true; }
+ if (availableHostResources.availableIPs < 1) { reason.insufficientAvailableIPs = true; }
+ allocationFailureReasons.add(reason);
+ }
+ return new AllocationFailureReasonList(allocationFailureReasons);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Contains the list of hosts that, upon being removed, caused an unrecoverable state,
+ * as well as the specific host and tenant which caused it.
+ */
+ public static class HostFailurePath {
+ public List<Node> hostsCausingFailure;
+ public HostRemovalFailure failureReason;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Data class used for detailing why removing the given tenant from the given host was unsuccessful.
+ * A failure might not be caused by failing to allocate a specific tenant, in which case the fields
+ * will be empty.
+ */
+ public static class HostRemovalFailure {
+ public Optional<Node> host;
+ public Optional<Node> tenant;
+ public AllocationFailureReasonList allocationFailures;
+ public static HostRemovalFailure none() {
+ return new HostRemovalFailure(
+ Optional.empty(),
+ Optional.empty(),
+ new AllocationFailureReasonList(List.of()));
+ }
+ public static HostRemovalFailure create(Node host, Node tenant, AllocationFailureReasonList failureReasons) {
+ return new HostRemovalFailure(
+ Optional.of(host),
+ Optional.of(tenant),
+ failureReasons);
+ }
+ private HostRemovalFailure(Optional<Node> host, Optional<Node> tenant, AllocationFailureReasonList allocationFailures) {
+ this.host = host;
+ this.tenant = tenant;
+ this.allocationFailures = allocationFailures;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ if (host.isEmpty() || tenant.isEmpty()) return "No removal candidates exists.";
+ return String.format(
+ "Failure to remove host %s" +
+ "\n\tNo new host found for tenant %s:" +
+ "\n\t\tSingular Reasons: %s" +
+ "\n\t\tTotal Reasons: %s",
+ this.host.get().hostname(),
+ this.tenant.get().hostname(),
+ this.allocationFailures.singularReasonFailures().toString(),
+ this.allocationFailures.toString()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used to describe the resources required for a tenant, and available to a host.
+ */
+ private static class AllocationResources {
+ NodeResources nodeResources;
+ int availableIPs;
+ public static AllocationResources from(NodeResources nodeResources) {
+ return new AllocationResources(nodeResources, 1);
+ }
+ public AllocationResources(NodeResources nodeResources, int availableIPs) {
+ this.nodeResources = nodeResources;
+ this.availableIPs = availableIPs;
+ }
+ public boolean satisfies(AllocationResources other) {
+ if (!this.nodeResources.satisfies(other.nodeResources)) return false;
+ return this.availableIPs >= other.availableIPs;
+ }
+ public AllocationResources subtract(AllocationResources other) {
+ return new AllocationResources(this.nodeResources.subtract(other.nodeResources), this.availableIPs - other.availableIPs);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Keeps track of the reason why a host rejected an allocation.
+ */
+ private static class AllocationFailureReason {
+ Node host;
+ public AllocationFailureReason (Node host) {
+ this.host = host;
+ }
+ public boolean insufficientVcpu = false;
+ public boolean insufficientMemoryGb = false;
+ public boolean insufficientDiskGb = false;
+ public boolean incompatibleDiskSpeed = false;
+ public boolean insufficientAvailableIPs = false;
+ public boolean violatesParentHostPolicy = false;
+ public int numberOfReasons() {
+ int n = 0;
+ if (insufficientVcpu) n++;
+ if (insufficientMemoryGb) n++;
+ if (insufficientDiskGb) n++;
+ if (incompatibleDiskSpeed) n++;
+ if (insufficientAvailableIPs) n++;
+ if (violatesParentHostPolicy) n++;
+ return n;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ List<String> reasons = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (insufficientVcpu) reasons.add("insufficientVcpu");
+ if (insufficientMemoryGb) reasons.add("insufficientMemoryGb");
+ if (insufficientDiskGb) reasons.add("insufficientDiskGb");
+ if (incompatibleDiskSpeed) reasons.add("incompatibleDiskSpeed");
+ if (insufficientAvailableIPs) reasons.add("insufficientAvailableIPs");
+ if (violatesParentHostPolicy) reasons.add("violatesParentHostPolicy");
+ return String.format("[%s]", String.join(", ", reasons));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides convenient methods for tallying failures.
+ */
+ public static class AllocationFailureReasonList {
+ private List<AllocationFailureReason> allocationFailureReasons;
+ public AllocationFailureReasonList(List<AllocationFailureReason> allocationFailureReasons) {
+ this.allocationFailureReasons = allocationFailureReasons;
+ }
+ public long insufficientVcpu() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientVcpu).count(); }
+ public long insufficientMemoryGb() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientMemoryGb).count(); }
+ public long insufficientDiskGb() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientDiskGb).count(); }
+ public long incompatibleDiskSpeed() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.incompatibleDiskSpeed).count(); }
+ public long insufficientAvailableIps() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientAvailableIPs).count(); }
+ public long violatesParentHostPolicy() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.violatesParentHostPolicy).count(); }
+ public AllocationFailureReasonList singularReasonFailures() {
+ return new AllocationFailureReasonList(allocationFailureReasons.stream()
+ .filter(reason -> reason.numberOfReasons() == 1).collect(Collectors.toList()));
+ }
+ public AllocationFailureReasonList multipleReasonFailures() {
+ return new AllocationFailureReasonList(allocationFailureReasons.stream()
+ .filter(reason -> reason.numberOfReasons() > 1).collect(Collectors.toList()));
+ }
+ public long size() {
+ return allocationFailureReasons.size();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return String.format("CPU (%3d), Memory (%3d), Disk size (%3d), Disk speed (%3d), IP (%3d), Parent-Host Policy (%3d)",
+ insufficientVcpu(), insufficientMemoryGb(), insufficientDiskGb(),
+ incompatibleDiskSpeed(), insufficientAvailableIps(), violatesParentHostPolicy());
+ }
+ }
+ public static class AllocationHistory {
+ public static class Entry {
+ public Node tenant;
+ public Node newParent;
+ public long eligibleParents;
+ public Entry(Node tenant, Node newParent, long eligibleParents) {
+ this.tenant = tenant;
+ this.newParent = newParent;
+ this.eligibleParents = eligibleParents;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return String.format("%-20s %-65s -> %15s [%3d valid]",
+ tenant.hostname().replaceFirst("\\..+", ""),
+ tenant.flavor().resources(),
+ newParent == null ? "x" : newParent.hostname().replaceFirst("\\..+", ""),
+ this.eligibleParents
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ public List<Entry> historyEntries;
+ public AllocationHistory() {
+ this.historyEntries = new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ public void addEntry(Node tenant, Node newParent, long eligibleParents) {
+ this.historyEntries.add(new Entry(tenant, newParent, eligibleParents));
+ }
+ public Set<String> oldParents() {
+ Set<String> oldParents = new HashSet<>();
+ for (var entry : historyEntries)
+ entry.tenant.parentHostname().ifPresent(oldParents::add);
+ return oldParents;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
+ String currentParent = "";
+ for (var entry : historyEntries) {
+ String parentName = entry.tenant.parentHostname().orElseThrow();
+ if (!parentName.equals(currentParent)) {
+ currentParent = parentName;
+ out.append(parentName).append("\n");
+ }
+ out.append(entry.toString()).append("\n");
+ }
+ return out.toString();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainer.java b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainer.java
index 44d43081ef2..3c47e418b94 100644
--- a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainer.java
+++ b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainer.java
@@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.maintenance;
-import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources;
-import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType;
import com.yahoo.jdisc.Metric;
import com.yahoo.log.LogLevel;
import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.Node;
import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.NodeRepository;
import java.time.Duration;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.node.Allocation;
import java.util.*;
-import java.util.function.Function;
* Performs analysis on the node repository to produce metrics that pertain to the capacity of the node repository.
@@ -29,7 +21,6 @@ import java.util.function.Function;
* @author mgimle
public class CapacityReportMaintainer extends Maintainer {
private final Metric metric;
private final NodeRepository nodeRepository;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CapacityReportMaintainer.class.getName());
@@ -44,403 +35,20 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainer extends Maintainer {
protected void maintain() {
- metric.set("overcommittedHosts", countOvercommittedHosts(), null);
- Optional<HostFailurePath> failurePath = worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
- if (failurePath.isPresent()) {
- int worstCaseHostLoss = failurePath.get().hostsCausingFailure.size();
- metric.set("spareHostCapacity", worstCaseHostLoss - 1, null);
- }
- }
- protected Optional<HostFailurePath> worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure() {
- List<Node> hosts = getHosts();
- List<Node> tenants = getTenants(hosts);
- Map<String, Node> nodeMap = constructHostnameToNodeMap(hosts);
- Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren = constructNodeChildrenMap(tenants, hosts, nodeMap);
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources = constructAvailableResourcesMap(hosts, nodeChildren);
- Map<Node, Integer> timesNodeCanBeRemoved = computeMaximalRepeatedRemovals(hosts, nodeChildren, availableResources);
- return greedyHeuristicFindFailurePath(timesNodeCanBeRemoved, hosts, nodeChildren, availableResources);
- }
- // We only care about nodes in one of these states.
- private Node.State[] relevantNodeStates = {
- Node.State.active,
- Node.State.inactive,
- Node.State.dirty,
- Node.State.provisioned,
- Node.State.ready,
- Node.State.reserved
- };
- private List<Node> getHosts() {
- return nodeRepository.getNodes(NodeType.host, relevantNodeStates);
- }
- private List<Node> getTenants(List<Node> hosts) {
- var parentNames = hosts.stream().map(Node::hostname).collect(Collectors.toSet());
- return nodeRepository.getNodes(NodeType.tenant, relevantNodeStates).stream()
- .filter(t -> parentNames.contains(t.parentHostname().orElse("")))
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- private Optional<HostFailurePath> greedyHeuristicFindFailurePath(Map<Node, Integer> heuristic, List<Node> hosts,
- Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren,
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
- if (hosts.size() == 0) return Optional.empty();
- List<Node> parentRemovalPriorityList = heuristic.entrySet().stream()
- .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(Map.Entry::getValue))
- .map(Map.Entry::getKey)
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- for (int i = 1; i <= parentRemovalPriorityList.size(); i++) {
- List<Node> hostsToRemove = parentRemovalPriorityList.subList(0, i);
- var hostRemovalFailure = findHostRemovalFailure(hostsToRemove, hosts, nodeChildren, availableResources);
- if (hostRemovalFailure.isPresent()) {
- HostFailurePath failurePath = new HostFailurePath();
- failurePath.hostsCausingFailure = hostsToRemove;
- failurePath.failureReason = hostRemovalFailure.get();
- return Optional.of(failurePath);
+ if (!nodeRepository.zone().cloud().value().equals("aws")) {
+ CapacityChecker capacityChecker = new CapacityChecker(this.nodeRepository);
+ List<Node> overcommittedHosts = capacityChecker.findOvercommittedHosts();
+ if (overcommittedHosts.size() != 0) {
+ log.log(LogLevel.WARNING, String.format("%d nodes are overcommitted! [ %s ]", overcommittedHosts.size(),
+ overcommittedHosts.stream().map(Node::hostname).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))));
- }
- throw new IllegalStateException("No path to failure found. This should be impossible!");
- }
- protected int countOvercommittedHosts() {
- List<Node> hosts = getHosts();
- List<Node> tenants = getTenants(hosts);
- var nodeMap = constructHostnameToNodeMap(hosts);
- var nodeChildren = constructNodeChildrenMap(tenants, hosts, nodeMap);
- var availableResources = constructAvailableResourcesMap(hosts, nodeChildren);
- List<Node> overcommittedNodes = findOvercommittedNodes(availableResources);
- if (overcommittedNodes.size() != 0) {
- log.log(LogLevel.WARNING, String.format("%d nodes are overcommitted! [ %s ]", overcommittedNodes.size(),
- overcommittedNodes.stream().map(Node::hostname).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))));
- }
- return overcommittedNodes.size();
- }
- private Map<String, Node> constructHostnameToNodeMap(List<Node> nodes) {
- return nodes.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Node::hostname, n -> n));
- }
- private Map<Node, List<Node>> constructNodeChildrenMap(List<Node> tenants, List<Node> hosts, Map<String, Node> hostnameToNode) {
- Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren = tenants.stream()
- .filter(n -> n.parentHostname().isPresent())
- .filter(n -> hostnameToNode.containsKey(n.parentHostname().get()))
- .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
- n -> hostnameToNode.get(n.parentHostname().orElseThrow())));
- for (var host : hosts) nodeChildren.putIfAbsent(host, List.of());
- return nodeChildren;
- }
- private Map<Node, AllocationResources> constructAvailableResourcesMap(List<Node> hosts, Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren) {
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources = new HashMap<>();
- for (var host : hosts) {
- NodeResources hostResources = host.flavor().resources();
- int occupiedIps = 0;
- Set<String> ipPool = host.ipAddressPool().asSet();
- for (var child : nodeChildren.get(host)) {
- hostResources = hostResources.subtract(child.flavor().resources());
- occupiedIps += child.ipAddresses().stream().filter(ipPool::contains).count();
- }
- availableResources.put(host, new AllocationResources(hostResources, host.ipAddressPool().asSet().size() - occupiedIps));
- }
- return availableResources;
- }
- /**
- * Computes a heuristic for each host, with a lower score indicating a higher perceived likelihood that removing
- * the host causes an unrecoverable state
- */
- private Map<Node, Integer> computeMaximalRepeatedRemovals(List<Node> hosts, Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren,
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
- Map<Node, Integer> timesNodeCanBeRemoved = hosts.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
- Function.identity(),
- _x -> Integer.MAX_VALUE
- ));
- for (Node host : hosts) {
- List<Node> children = nodeChildren.get(host);
- if (children.size() == 0) continue;
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> resourceMap = new HashMap<>(availableResources);
- Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations = collateAllocations(nodeChildren);
- int timesHostCanBeRemoved = 0;
- Optional<Node> unallocatedTenant;
- while (timesHostCanBeRemoved < 1000) { // Arbritrary upper bound
- unallocatedTenant = tryAllocateNodes(nodeChildren.get(host), hosts, resourceMap, containedAllocations);
- if (unallocatedTenant.isEmpty()) {
- timesHostCanBeRemoved++;
- } else break;
- }
- timesNodeCanBeRemoved.put(host, timesHostCanBeRemoved);
- }
- return timesNodeCanBeRemoved;
- }
- private List<Node> findOvercommittedNodes(Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
- List<Node> overcommittedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
- for (var entry : availableResources.entrySet()) {
- var resources = entry.getValue().nodeResources;
- if (resources.vcpu() < 0 || resources.memoryGb() < 0 || resources.diskGb() < 0) {
- overcommittedNodes.add(entry.getKey());
- }
- }
- return overcommittedNodes;
- }
- private Map<Node, List<Allocation>> collateAllocations(Map<Node, List<Node>> nodeChildren) {
- return nodeChildren.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
- Map.Entry::getKey,
- e -> e.getValue().stream()
- .map(Node::allocation).flatMap(Optional::stream)
- .collect(Collectors.toList())
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Tests whether it's possible to remove the provided hosts.
- * Does not mutate any input variable.
- * @return Empty optional if removal is possible, information on what caused the failure otherwise
- */
- private Optional<HostRemovalFailure> findHostRemovalFailure(List<Node> hostsToRemove, List<Node> allHosts,
- Map<Node, List<Node>> nodechildren,
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources) {
- var containedAllocations = collateAllocations(nodechildren);
- var resourceMap = new HashMap<>(availableResources);
- List<Node> validAllocationTargets = allHosts.stream()
- .filter(h -> !hostsToRemove.contains(h))
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- if (validAllocationTargets.size() == 0) {
- return Optional.of(HostRemovalFailure.none());
- }
- for (var host : hostsToRemove) {
- Optional<Node> unallocatedNode = tryAllocateNodes(nodechildren.get(host),
- validAllocationTargets, resourceMap, containedAllocations);
- if (unallocatedNode.isPresent()) {
- AllocationFailureReasonList failures = collateAllocationFailures(unallocatedNode.get(),
- validAllocationTargets, resourceMap, containedAllocations);
- return Optional.of(HostRemovalFailure.create(host, unallocatedNode.get(), failures));
- }
- }
- return Optional.empty();
- }
+ metric.set("overcommittedHosts", overcommittedHosts.size(), null);
- /**
- * Attempts to allocate the listed nodes to a new host, mutating availableResources and containedAllocations,
- * optionally returning the first node to fail, if one does.
- * */
- private Optional<Node> tryAllocateNodes(List<Node> nodes, List<Node> hosts,
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources,
- Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
- for (var node : nodes) {
- if (!tryAllocateNode(node, hosts, availableResources, containedAllocations)) {
- return Optional.of(node);
+ Optional<CapacityChecker.HostFailurePath> failurePath = capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ if (failurePath.isPresent()) {
+ int worstCaseHostLoss = failurePath.get().hostsCausingFailure.size();
+ metric.set("spareHostCapacity", worstCaseHostLoss - 1, null);
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- private boolean tryAllocateNode(Node node, List<Node> hosts,
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources,
- Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
- AllocationResources requiredNodeResources = AllocationResources.from(node.flavor().resources());
- for (var host : hosts) {
- var availableHostResources = availableResources.get(host);
- if (violatesParentHostPolicy(node, host, containedAllocations)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (availableHostResources.satisfies(requiredNodeResources)) {
- availableResources.put(host, availableHostResources.subtract(requiredNodeResources));
- if (node.allocation().isPresent()) {
- containedAllocations.get(host).add(node.allocation().get());
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private boolean violatesParentHostPolicy(Node node, Node host, Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
- if (node.allocation().isEmpty()) return false;
- Allocation nodeAllocation = node.allocation().get();
- for (var allocation : containedAllocations.get(host)) {
- if (allocation.membership().cluster().equalsIgnoringGroupAndVespaVersion(nodeAllocation.membership().cluster())
- && allocation.owner().equals(nodeAllocation.owner())) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private AllocationFailureReasonList collateAllocationFailures(Node node, List<Node> hosts,
- Map<Node, AllocationResources> availableResources,
- Map<Node, List<Allocation>> containedAllocations) {
- List<AllocationFailureReason> allocationFailureReasons = new ArrayList<>();
- for (var host : hosts) {
- AllocationFailureReason reason = new AllocationFailureReason(host);
- var availableHostResources = availableResources.get(host);
- reason.violatesParentHostPolicy = violatesParentHostPolicy(node, host, containedAllocations);
- NodeResources l = availableHostResources.nodeResources;
- NodeResources r = node.flavor().resources();
- if (l.vcpu() < r.vcpu()) { reason.insufficientVcpu = true; }
- if (l.memoryGb() < r.memoryGb()) { reason.insufficientMemoryGb = true; }
- if (l.diskGb() < r.diskGb()) { reason.insufficientDiskGb = true; }
- if (r.diskSpeed() != NodeResources.DiskSpeed.any && r.diskSpeed() != l.diskSpeed())
- { reason.incompatibleDiskSpeed = true; }
- if (availableHostResources.availableIPs < 1) { reason.insufficientAvailableIPs = true; }
- allocationFailureReasons.add(reason);
- }
- return new AllocationFailureReasonList(allocationFailureReasons);
- }
- /**
- * Contains the list of hosts that, upon being removed, caused an unrecoverable state,
- * as well as the specific host and tenant which caused it.
- */
- public static class HostFailurePath {
- List<Node> hostsCausingFailure;
- HostRemovalFailure failureReason;
- }
- /**
- * Data class used for detailing why removing the given tenant from the given host was unsuccessful.
- * A failure might not be caused by failing to allocate a specific tenant, in which case the fields
- * will be empty.
- */
- public static class HostRemovalFailure {
- Optional<Node> host;
- Optional<Node> tenant;
- AllocationFailureReasonList failureReasons;
- public static HostRemovalFailure none() {
- return new HostRemovalFailure(
- Optional.empty(),
- Optional.empty(),
- new AllocationFailureReasonList(List.of()));
- }
- public static HostRemovalFailure create(Node host, Node tenant, AllocationFailureReasonList failureReasons) {
- return new HostRemovalFailure(
- Optional.of(host),
- Optional.of(tenant),
- failureReasons);
- }
- private HostRemovalFailure(Optional<Node> host, Optional<Node> tenant, AllocationFailureReasonList failureReasons) {
- this.host = host;
- this.tenant = tenant;
- this.failureReasons = failureReasons;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Used to describe the resources required for a tenant, and available to a host.
- */
- private static class AllocationResources {
- NodeResources nodeResources;
- int availableIPs;
- public static AllocationResources from(NodeResources nodeResources) {
- return new AllocationResources(nodeResources, 1);
- }
- public AllocationResources(NodeResources nodeResources, int availableIPs) {
- this.nodeResources = nodeResources;
- this.availableIPs = availableIPs;
- }
- public boolean satisfies(AllocationResources other) {
- if (!this.nodeResources.satisfies(other.nodeResources)) return false;
- return this.availableIPs >= other.availableIPs;
- }
- public AllocationResources subtract(AllocationResources other) {
- return new AllocationResources(this.nodeResources.subtract(other.nodeResources), this.availableIPs - other.availableIPs);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Keeps track of the reason why a host rejected an allocation.
- */
- private class AllocationFailureReason {
- Node host;
- public AllocationFailureReason (Node host) {
- this.host = host;
- }
- public boolean insufficientVcpu = false;
- public boolean insufficientMemoryGb = false;
- public boolean insufficientDiskGb = false;
- public boolean incompatibleDiskSpeed = false;
- public boolean insufficientAvailableIPs = false;
- public boolean violatesParentHostPolicy = false;
- public int numberOfReasons() {
- int n = 0;
- if (insufficientVcpu) n++;
- if (insufficientMemoryGb) n++;
- if (insufficientDiskGb) n++;
- if (incompatibleDiskSpeed) n++;
- if (insufficientAvailableIPs) n++;
- if (violatesParentHostPolicy) n++;
- return n;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- List<String> reasons = new ArrayList<>();
- if (insufficientVcpu) reasons.add("insufficientVcpu");
- if (insufficientMemoryGb) reasons.add("insufficientMemoryGb");
- if (insufficientDiskGb) reasons.add("insufficientDiskGb");
- if (incompatibleDiskSpeed) reasons.add("incompatibleDiskSpeed");
- if (insufficientAvailableIPs) reasons.add("insufficientAvailableIPs");
- if (violatesParentHostPolicy) reasons.add("violatesParentHostPolicy");
- return String.format("[%s]", String.join(", ", reasons));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Provides convenient methods for tallying failures.
- */
- public static class AllocationFailureReasonList {
- private List<AllocationFailureReason> allocationFailureReasons;
- public AllocationFailureReasonList(List<AllocationFailureReason> allocationFailureReasons) {
- this.allocationFailureReasons = allocationFailureReasons;
- }
- long insufficientVcpu() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientVcpu).count(); }
- long insufficientMemoryGb() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientMemoryGb).count(); }
- long insufficientDiskGb() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientDiskGb).count(); }
- long incompatibleDiskSpeed() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.incompatibleDiskSpeed).count(); }
- long insufficientAvailableIps() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.insufficientAvailableIPs).count(); }
- long violatesParentHostPolicy() { return allocationFailureReasons.stream().filter(r -> r.violatesParentHostPolicy).count(); }
- public AllocationFailureReasonList singularReasonFailures() {
- return new AllocationFailureReasonList(allocationFailureReasons.stream()
- .filter(reason -> reason.numberOfReasons() == 1).collect(Collectors.toList()));
- }
- public AllocationFailureReasonList multipleReasonFailures() {
- return new AllocationFailureReasonList(allocationFailureReasons.stream()
- .filter(reason -> reason.numberOfReasons() > 1).collect(Collectors.toList()));
- }
- public long size() {
- return allocationFailureReasons.size();
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return String.format("CPU (%3d), Memory (%3d), Disk size (%3d), Disk speed (%3d), IP (%3d), Parent-Host Policy (%3d)",
- insufficientVcpu(), insufficientMemoryGb(), insufficientDiskGb(),
- incompatibleDiskSpeed(), insufficientAvailableIps(), violatesParentHostPolicy());
- }
diff --git a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/NodeRepositoryMaintenance.java b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/NodeRepositoryMaintenance.java
index f661977d933..bb1ff637f08 100644
--- a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/NodeRepositoryMaintenance.java
+++ b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/NodeRepositoryMaintenance.java
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class NodeRepositoryMaintenance extends AbstractComponent {
new HostProvisionMaintainer(nodeRepository, durationFromEnv("host_provisioner_interval").orElse(defaults.hostProvisionerInterval), hostProvisioner, flagSource));
hostDeprovisionMaintainer = provisionServiceProvider.getHostProvisioner().map(hostProvisioner ->
new HostDeprovisionMaintainer(nodeRepository, durationFromEnv("host_deprovisioner_interval").orElse(defaults.hostDeprovisionerInterval), hostProvisioner, flagSource));
- capacityReportMaintainer = new CapacityReportMaintainer(nodeRepository, metric, durationFromEnv("alert_interval").orElse(defaults.nodeAlerterInterval));
+ capacityReportMaintainer = new CapacityReportMaintainer(nodeRepository, metric, durationFromEnv("capacity_report_interval").orElse(defaults.capacityReportInterval));
// The DuperModel is filled with infrastructure applications by the infrastructure provisioner, so explicitly run that now
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public class NodeRepositoryMaintenance extends AbstractComponent {
private final Duration dirtyExpiry;
private final Duration provisionedExpiry;
private final Duration rebootInterval;
- private final Duration nodeAlerterInterval;
+ private final Duration capacityReportInterval;
private final Duration metricsInterval;
private final Duration retiredInterval;
private final Duration infrastructureProvisionInterval;
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public class NodeRepositoryMaintenance extends AbstractComponent {
failedExpirerInterval = Duration.ofMinutes(10);
provisionedExpiry = Duration.ofHours(4);
rebootInterval = Duration.ofDays(30);
- nodeAlerterInterval = Duration.ofHours(1);
+ capacityReportInterval = Duration.ofHours(1);
metricsInterval = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
infrastructureProvisionInterval = Duration.ofMinutes(1);
throttlePolicy = NodeFailer.ThrottlePolicy.hosted;
diff --git a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/HostCapacityResponse.java b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/HostCapacityResponse.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f5af52cc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/HostCapacityResponse.java
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.restapi.v2;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import com.yahoo.container.jdisc.HttpRequest;
+import com.yahoo.container.jdisc.HttpResponse;
+import com.yahoo.slime.Cursor;
+import com.yahoo.slime.JsonFormat;
+import com.yahoo.slime.Slime;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.Node;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.NodeRepository;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.maintenance.CapacityChecker;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Optional;
+public class HostCapacityResponse extends HttpResponse {
+ private final StringBuilder text;
+ private final Slime slime;
+ private final CapacityChecker capacityChecker;
+ private final boolean json;
+ public HostCapacityResponse(NodeRepository nodeRepository, HttpRequest request) {
+ super(200);
+ capacityChecker = new CapacityChecker(nodeRepository);
+ json = request.getBooleanProperty("json");
+ String hostsJson = request.getProperty("hosts");
+ text = new StringBuilder();
+ slime = new Slime();
+ Cursor root = slime.setObject();
+ if (hostsJson != null) {
+ List<Node> hosts = parseHostList(hostsJson);
+ hostRemovalResponse(root, hosts);
+ } else {
+ zoneFailureReponse(root);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Node> parseHostList(String hosts) {
+ ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
+ String[] hostsArray;
+ try {
+ hostsArray = om.readValue(hosts, String[].class);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());
+ }
+ List<String> hostNames = Arrays.asList(hostsArray);
+ try {
+ return capacityChecker.nodesFromHostnames(hostNames);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ throw new NotFoundException(e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ private void hostRemovalResponse(Cursor root, List<Node> hosts) {
+ var failure = capacityChecker.findHostRemovalFailure(hosts);
+ if (failure.isPresent() && failure.get().failureReason.allocationFailures.size() == 0) {
+ root.setBool("removalPossible", false);
+ error(root, "Removing all hosts is trivially impossible.");
+ } else {
+ if (json) hostLossPossibleToSlime(root, failure, hosts);
+ else hostLossPossibleToText(failure, hosts);
+ }
+ }
+ private void zoneFailureReponse(Cursor root) {
+ var failurePath = capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ if (failurePath.isPresent()) {
+ if (json) zoneFailurePathToSlime(root, failurePath.get());
+ else zoneFailurePathToText(failurePath.get());
+ } else {
+ error(root, "Node repository contained no hosts.");
+ }
+ }
+ private void error(Cursor root, String errorMessage) {
+ if (json) root.setString("error", errorMessage);
+ else text.append(errorMessage);
+ }
+ private void hostLossPossibleToText(Optional<CapacityChecker.HostFailurePath> failure, List<Node> hostsToRemove) {
+ text.append(String.format("Attempting to remove %d hosts: ", hostsToRemove.size()));
+ CapacityChecker.AllocationHistory history = capacityChecker.allocationHistory;
+ if (failure.isEmpty()) {
+ text.append("OK\n\n");
+ text.append(history);
+ if (history.oldParents().size() != hostsToRemove.size()) {
+ long emptyHostCount = hostsToRemove.size() - history.oldParents().size();
+ text.append(String.format("\nTrivially removed %d empty host%s.", emptyHostCount, emptyHostCount > 1 ? "s" : ""));
+ }
+ } else {
+ text.append("FAILURE\n\n");
+ text.append(history).append("\n");
+ text.append(failure.get().failureReason).append("\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ private void zoneFailurePathToText(CapacityChecker.HostFailurePath failurePath) {
+ text.append(String.format("Found %d hosts. Failure upon trying to remove %d hosts:\n\n",
+ capacityChecker.getHosts().size(),
+ failurePath.hostsCausingFailure.size()));
+ text.append(capacityChecker.allocationHistory).append("\n");
+ text.append(failurePath.failureReason);
+ }
+ private void hostLossPossibleToSlime(Cursor root, Optional<CapacityChecker.HostFailurePath> failure, List<Node> hostsToRemove) {
+ var hosts = root.setArray("hostsToRemove");
+ hostsToRemove.forEach(h -> hosts.addString(h.hostname()));
+ CapacityChecker.AllocationHistory history = capacityChecker.allocationHistory;
+ root.setBool("removalPossible", failure.isEmpty());
+ var arr = root.setArray("history");
+ for (var entry : history.historyEntries) {
+ var object = arr.addObject();
+ object.setString("tenant", entry.tenant.hostname());
+ if (entry.newParent != null) {
+ object.setString("newParent", entry.newParent.hostname());
+ }
+ object.setLong("eligibleParents", entry.eligibleParents);
+ }
+ }
+ private void zoneFailurePathToSlime(Cursor object, CapacityChecker.HostFailurePath failurePath) {
+ object.setLong("totalHosts", capacityChecker.getHosts().size());
+ object.setLong("couldLoseHosts", failurePath.hostsCausingFailure.size());
+ failurePath.failureReason.host.ifPresent(host ->
+ object.setString("failedTenantParent", host.hostname())
+ );
+ failurePath.failureReason.tenant.ifPresent(tenant -> {
+ object.setString("failedTenant", tenant.hostname());
+ object.setString("failedTenantResources", tenant.flavor().resources().toString());
+ tenant.allocation().ifPresent(allocation ->
+ object.setString("failedTenantAllocation", allocation.toString())
+ );
+ var explanation = object.setObject("hostCandidateRejectionReasons");
+ allocationFailureReasonListToSlime(explanation.setObject("singularReasonFailures"),
+ failurePath.failureReason.allocationFailures.singularReasonFailures());
+ allocationFailureReasonListToSlime(explanation.setObject("totalFailures"),
+ failurePath.failureReason.allocationFailures);
+ });
+ var details = object.setObject("details");
+ hostLossPossibleToSlime(details, Optional.of(failurePath), failurePath.hostsCausingFailure);
+ }
+ private void allocationFailureReasonListToSlime(Cursor root, CapacityChecker.AllocationFailureReasonList allocationFailureReasonList) {
+ root.setLong("insufficientVcpu", allocationFailureReasonList.insufficientVcpu());
+ root.setLong("insufficientMemoryGb", allocationFailureReasonList.insufficientMemoryGb());
+ root.setLong("insufficientDiskGb", allocationFailureReasonList.insufficientDiskGb());
+ root.setLong("incompatibleDiskSpeed", allocationFailureReasonList.incompatibleDiskSpeed());
+ root.setLong("insufficientAvailableIps", allocationFailureReasonList.insufficientAvailableIps());
+ root.setLong("violatesParentHostPolicy", allocationFailureReasonList.violatesParentHostPolicy());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void render(OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
+ if (json) new JsonFormat(true).encode(stream, slime);
+ else stream.write(text.toString().getBytes());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getContentType() {
+ return json ? "application/json" : "text/plain";
+ }
diff --git a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/NodesApiHandler.java b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/NodesApiHandler.java
index 22318f1ddb4..e036124e489 100644
--- a/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/NodesApiHandler.java
+++ b/node-repository/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/NodesApiHandler.java
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ public class NodesApiHandler extends LoggingRequestHandler {
if (path.equals( "/nodes/v2/command/")) return ResourcesResponse.fromStrings(request.getUri(), "restart", "reboot");
if (path.equals( "/nodes/v2/maintenance/")) return new JobsResponse(nodeRepository.jobControl());
if (path.equals( "/nodes/v2/upgrade/")) return new UpgradeResponse(nodeRepository.infrastructureVersions(), nodeRepository.osVersions(), nodeRepository.dockerImages());
+ if (path.startsWith("/nodes/v2/capacity/")) return new HostCapacityResponse(nodeRepository, request);
throw new NotFoundException("Nothing at path '" + path + "'");
diff --git a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainerTest.java b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityCheckerTest.java
index a486f8619c5..1f2112673d1 100644
--- a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainerTest.java
+++ b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityCheckerTest.java
@@ -8,20 +8,19 @@ import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* @author mgimle
-public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
- private CapacityReportMaintainerTester tester;
- private CapacityReportMaintainer capacityReporter;
+public class CapacityCheckerTest {
+ private CapacityCheckerTester tester;
public void setup() {
- tester = new CapacityReportMaintainerTester();
- capacityReporter = tester.makeCapacityReportMaintainer();
+ tester = new CapacityCheckerTester();
@@ -30,10 +29,9 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
- var failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
- if (failurePath.isPresent()) {
- assertTrue(tester.nodeRepository.getNodes(NodeType.host).containsAll(failurePath.get().hostsCausingFailure));
- } else fail();
+ var failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ assertTrue(failurePath.isPresent());
+ assertTrue(tester.nodeRepository.getNodes(NodeType.host).containsAll(failurePath.get().hostsCausingFailure));
@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(7, 4,
10, new NodeResources(-1, 10, 100), 10,
0, new NodeResources(1, 10, 100), 10);
- int overcommittedHosts = capacityReporter.countOvercommittedHosts();
+ int overcommittedHosts = tester.capacityChecker.findOvercommittedHosts().size();
assertEquals(tester.nodeRepository.getNodes(NodeType.host).size(), overcommittedHosts);
@@ -50,14 +48,14 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 1,
0, new NodeResources(1, 10, 100), 10,
0, new NodeResources(1, 10, 100), 10);
- var failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ var failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
assertFalse("Computing worst case host loss with no hosts should return an empty optional.", failurePath.isPresent());
// Odd edge case that should never be able to occur in prod
tester.createNodes(1, 10,
10, new NodeResources(10, 1000, 10000), 100,
1, new NodeResources(10, 1000, 10000), 100);
- failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
assertTrue("Computing worst case host loss if all hosts have to be removed should result in an non-empty failureReason with empty nodes.",
failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isEmpty() && failurePath.get().failureReason.host.isEmpty());
@@ -66,10 +64,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(3, 30,
10, new NodeResources(0, 0, 10000), 1000,
0, new NodeResources(0, 0, 0), 0);
- failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertEquals("When there are multiple lacking resources, all failures are multipleReasonFailures",
failureReasons.size(), failureReasons.multipleReasonFailures().size());
assertEquals(0, failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().size());
@@ -81,10 +79,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 10,
10, new NodeResources(10, 1000, 10000), 1,
10, new NodeResources(10, 1000, 10000), 1);
- var failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ var failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertEquals("All failures should be due to hosts having a lack of available ip addresses.",
failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().insufficientAvailableIps(), failureReasons.size());
} else fail();
@@ -96,10 +94,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 10,
10, new NodeResources(1, 100, 1000), 100,
10, new NodeResources(0, 100, 1000), 100);
- var failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ var failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertEquals("All failures should be due to hosts lacking cpu cores.",
failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().insufficientVcpu(), failureReasons.size());
} else fail();
@@ -107,10 +105,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 10,
10, new NodeResources(10, 1, 1000), 100,
10, new NodeResources(10, 0, 1000), 100);
- failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertEquals("All failures should be due to hosts lacking memory.",
failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().insufficientMemoryGb(), failureReasons.size());
} else fail();
@@ -118,10 +116,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 10,
10, new NodeResources(10, 100, 10), 100,
10, new NodeResources(10, 100, 0), 100);
- failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertEquals("All failures should be due to hosts lacking disk space.",
failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().insufficientDiskGb(), failureReasons.size());
} else fail();
@@ -130,10 +128,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 10, List.of(new NodeResources(1, 10, 100)),
10, new NodeResources(0, 0, 0), 100,
10, new NodeResources(10, 1000, 10000, NodeResources.DiskSpeed.slow), 100);
- failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertEquals("All empty hosts should be invalid due to having incompatible disk speed.",
failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().incompatibleDiskSpeed(), emptyHostsWithSlowDisk);
} else fail();
@@ -146,10 +144,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 1,
10, new NodeResources(1, 100, 1000), 100,
10, new NodeResources(10, 1000, 10000), 100);
- var failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ var failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertEquals("With only one type of tenant, all failures should be due to violation of the parent host policy.",
failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().violatesParentHostPolicy(), failureReasons.size());
} else fail();
@@ -157,10 +155,10 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTest {
tester.createNodes(1, 2,
10, new NodeResources(10, 100, 1000), 1,
0, new NodeResources(0, 0, 0), 0);
- failurePath = capacityReporter.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
+ failurePath = tester.capacityChecker.worstCaseHostLossLeadingToFailure();
if (failurePath.get().failureReason.tenant.isPresent()) {
- var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.failureReasons;
+ var failureReasons = failurePath.get().failureReason.allocationFailures;
assertNotEquals("Fewer distinct children than hosts should result in some parent host policy violations.",
failureReasons.size(), failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().violatesParentHostPolicy());
assertNotEquals(0, failureReasons.singularReasonFailures().violatesParentHostPolicy());
diff --git a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainerTester.java b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityCheckerTester.java
index ccea4691f10..f5fd0e0526d 100644
--- a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityReportMaintainerTester.java
+++ b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/maintenance/CapacityCheckerTester.java
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.testutils.MockNameResolver;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
-import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
@@ -29,22 +28,23 @@ import java.util.stream.IntStream;
* @author mgimle
-public class CapacityReportMaintainerTester {
+public class CapacityCheckerTester {
public static final Zone zone = new Zone(Environment.prod, RegionName.from("us-east"));
// Components with state
public final ManualClock clock = new ManualClock();
public final NodeRepository nodeRepository;
+ public CapacityChecker capacityChecker;
- CapacityReportMaintainerTester() {
+ CapacityCheckerTester() {
Curator curator = new MockCurator();
NodeFlavors f = new NodeFlavors(new FlavorConfigBuilder().build());
nodeRepository = new NodeRepository(f, curator, clock, zone, new MockNameResolver().mockAnyLookup(),
DockerImage.fromString("docker-registry.domain.tld:8080/dist/vespa"), true);
- CapacityReportMaintainer makeCapacityReportMaintainer() {
- return new CapacityReportMaintainer(nodeRepository, new MetricsReporterTest.TestMetric(), Duration.ofDays(1));
+ private void updateCapacityChecker() {
+ this.capacityChecker = new CapacityChecker(this.nodeRepository);
List<NodeModel> createDistinctChildren(int amount, List<NodeResources> childResources) {
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTester {
nodes.addAll(createEmptyHosts(numHosts, numEmptyHosts, emptyHostExcessCapacity, emptyHostExcessIps));
+ updateCapacityChecker();
NodeResources containingNodeResources(List<NodeResources> resources, NodeResources excessCapacity) {
NodeResources usedByChildren = resources.stream()
.reduce(new NodeResources(0, 0, 0), NodeResources::add);
@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ public class CapacityReportMaintainerTester {
+ updateCapacityChecker();
void cleanRepository() {
diff --git a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/RestApiTest.java b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/RestApiTest.java
index bfb24d30284..35fa5adaeff 100644
--- a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/RestApiTest.java
+++ b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/RestApiTest.java
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
@@ -819,6 +820,30 @@ public class RestApiTest {
"{\"message\":\"Cancelled outstanding requests for firmware checks\"}");
+ @Test
+ public void test_capacity() throws Exception {
+ assertFile(new Request("http://localhost:8080/nodes/v2/capacity/?json=true"), "capacity-zone.json");
+ List<String> hostsToRemove = List.of(
+ "%22dockerhost1.yahoo.com%22",
+ "%22dockerhost2.yahoo.com%22",
+ "%22dockerhost3.yahoo.com%22",
+ "%22dockerhost4.yahoo.com%22"
+ );
+ String requestUriTemplate =
+ "http://localhost:8080/nodes/v2/capacity/?json=true&hosts=[%s]"
+ .replaceAll("\\[", "%%5B")
+ .replaceAll("]", "%%5D");
+ assertFile(new Request(String.format(requestUriTemplate,
+ String.join(",", hostsToRemove.subList(0, 3)))),
+ "capacity-hostremoval-possible.json");
+ assertFile(new Request(String.format(requestUriTemplate,
+ String.join(",", hostsToRemove))),
+ "capacity-hostremoval-impossible.json");
+ }
/** Tests the rendering of each node separately to make it easier to find errors */
public void test_single_node_rendering() throws Exception {
diff --git a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-hostremoval-impossible.json b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-hostremoval-impossible.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3c73e61c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-hostremoval-impossible.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "hostsToRemove": [
+ "dockerhost1.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost2.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost3.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost4.yahoo.com"
+ ],
+ "removalPossible": false,
+ "history": [
+ {
+ "tenant": "host4.yahoo.com",
+ "newParent": "dockerhost5.yahoo.com",
+ "eligibleParents": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "tenant": "test-node-pool-101-2",
+ "eligibleParents": 0
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-hostremoval-possible.json b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-hostremoval-possible.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b896fd9d63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-hostremoval-possible.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "hostsToRemove": [
+ "dockerhost1.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost2.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost3.yahoo.com"
+ ],
+ "removalPossible": true,
+ "history": [
+ {
+ "tenant": "host4.yahoo.com",
+ "newParent": "dockerhost4.yahoo.com",
+ "eligibleParents": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "tenant": "test-node-pool-101-2",
+ "newParent": "dockerhost5.yahoo.com",
+ "eligibleParents": 1
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-zone.json b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-zone.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9895948e69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-repository/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/provision/restapi/v2/responses/capacity-zone.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ "totalHosts": 5,
+ "couldLoseHosts": 4,
+ "failedTenantParent": "dockerhost1.yahoo.com",
+ "failedTenant": "host4.yahoo.com",
+ "failedTenantResources": "[vcpu: 1.0, memory: 1.0 Gb, disk 100.0 Gb]",
+ "failedTenantAllocation": "allocated to tenant3.application3.instance3 as 'content/id3/0/0'",
+ "hostCandidateRejectionReasons": {
+ "singularReasonFailures": {
+ "insufficientVcpu": 0,
+ "insufficientMemoryGb": 0,
+ "insufficientDiskGb": 0,
+ "incompatibleDiskSpeed": 0,
+ "insufficientAvailableIps": 0,
+ "violatesParentHostPolicy": 1
+ },
+ "totalFailures": {
+ "insufficientVcpu": 0,
+ "insufficientMemoryGb": 0,
+ "insufficientDiskGb": 0,
+ "incompatibleDiskSpeed": 0,
+ "insufficientAvailableIps": 0,
+ "violatesParentHostPolicy": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "details": {
+ "hostsToRemove": [
+ "dockerhost2.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost1.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost4.yahoo.com",
+ "dockerhost3.yahoo.com"
+ ],
+ "removalPossible": false,
+ "history": [
+ {
+ "tenant": "test-node-pool-101-2",
+ "newParent": "dockerhost5.yahoo.com",
+ "eligibleParents": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "tenant": "host4.yahoo.com",
+ "eligibleParents": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file