path: root/container-core/src/main/java/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.java
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authorHarald Musum <musum@verizonmedia.com>2021-04-06 14:19:35 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-04-06 14:19:35 +0200
commit778894b29b13831115c19ff13285541a10ab2d30 (patch)
tree62ea7aa8689a3d5421f54cd0ac6c5290e82f23dc /container-core/src/main/java/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.java
parent5df00bb90a04082847440716bcb6146bdda0ca06 (diff)
Revert "Gjoranv/merge di into core (rebased)"
Diffstat (limited to 'container-core/src/main/java/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/container-core/src/main/java/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.java b/container-core/src/main/java/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c7f65bc2a..00000000000
--- a/container-core/src/main/java/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-package com.yahoo.container.di;
-import com.google.inject.Injector;
-import com.yahoo.config.ConfigInstance;
-import com.yahoo.config.ConfigurationRuntimeException;
-import com.yahoo.config.subscription.ConfigInterruptedException;
-import com.yahoo.container.ComponentsConfig;
-import com.yahoo.container.bundle.BundleInstantiationSpecification;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.ConfigRetriever.BootstrapConfigs;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.ConfigRetriever.ComponentsConfigs;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.ConfigRetriever.ConfigSnapshot;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.core.ComponentGraph;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.core.ComponentNode;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.core.JerseyNode;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.core.Node;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.config.ApplicationBundlesConfig;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.config.PlatformBundlesConfig;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.config.RestApiContext;
-import com.yahoo.container.di.config.SubscriberFactory;
-import com.yahoo.vespa.config.ConfigKey;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import static java.util.logging.Level.FINE;
- * @author gjoranv
- * @author Tony Vaagenes
- * @author ollivir
- */
-public class Container {
- private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Container.class.getName());
- private final SubscriberFactory subscriberFactory;
- private final ConfigKey<ApplicationBundlesConfig> applicationBundlesConfigKey;
- private final ConfigKey<PlatformBundlesConfig> platformBundlesConfigKey;
- private final ConfigKey<ComponentsConfig> componentsConfigKey;
- private final ComponentDeconstructor componentDeconstructor;
- private final Osgi osgi;
- private final ConfigRetriever configurer;
- private List<String> platformBundles; // Used to verify that platform bundles don't change.
- private long previousConfigGeneration = -1L;
- private long leastGeneration = -1L;
- public Container(SubscriberFactory subscriberFactory, String configId, ComponentDeconstructor componentDeconstructor, Osgi osgi) {
- this.subscriberFactory = subscriberFactory;
- this.componentDeconstructor = componentDeconstructor;
- this.osgi = osgi;
- applicationBundlesConfigKey = new ConfigKey<>(ApplicationBundlesConfig.class, configId);
- platformBundlesConfigKey = new ConfigKey<>(PlatformBundlesConfig.class, configId);
- componentsConfigKey = new ConfigKey<>(ComponentsConfig.class, configId);
- var bootstrapKeys = Set.of(applicationBundlesConfigKey, platformBundlesConfigKey, componentsConfigKey);
- this.configurer = new ConfigRetriever(bootstrapKeys, subscriberFactory::getSubscriber);
- }
- public Container(SubscriberFactory subscriberFactory, String configId, ComponentDeconstructor componentDeconstructor) {
- this(subscriberFactory, configId, componentDeconstructor, new Osgi() {
- });
- }
- public ComponentGraph getNewComponentGraph(ComponentGraph oldGraph, Injector fallbackInjector, boolean isInitializing) {
- try {
- Collection<Bundle> obsoleteBundles = new HashSet<>();
- ComponentGraph newGraph = getConfigAndCreateGraph(oldGraph, fallbackInjector, isInitializing, obsoleteBundles);
- newGraph.reuseNodes(oldGraph);
- constructComponents(newGraph);
- deconstructObsoleteComponents(oldGraph, newGraph, obsoleteBundles);
- return newGraph;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- invalidateGeneration(oldGraph.generation(), t);
- throw t;
- }
- }
- private ComponentGraph getConfigAndCreateGraph(ComponentGraph graph,
- Injector fallbackInjector,
- boolean isInitializing,
- Collection<Bundle> obsoleteBundles) // NOTE: Return value
- {
- ConfigSnapshot snapshot;
- while (true) {
- snapshot = configurer.getConfigs(graph.configKeys(), leastGeneration, isInitializing);
- log.log(FINE, String.format("createNewGraph:\n" + "graph.configKeys = %s\n" + "graph.generation = %s\n" + "snapshot = %s\n",
- graph.configKeys(), graph.generation(), snapshot));
- if (snapshot instanceof BootstrapConfigs) {
- if (getBootstrapGeneration() <= previousConfigGeneration) {
- throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
- "Got bootstrap configs out of sequence for old config generation %d.\n" + "Previous config generation is %d",
- getBootstrapGeneration(), previousConfigGeneration));
- }
- log.log(FINE, "Got new bootstrap generation\n" + configGenerationsString());
- if (graph.generation() == 0) {
- platformBundles = getConfig(platformBundlesConfigKey, snapshot.configs()).bundlePaths();
- osgi.installPlatformBundles(platformBundles);
- } else {
- throwIfPlatformBundlesChanged(snapshot);
- }
- Collection<Bundle> bundlesToRemove = installApplicationBundles(snapshot.configs());
- obsoleteBundles.addAll(bundlesToRemove);
- graph = createComponentsGraph(snapshot.configs(), getBootstrapGeneration(), fallbackInjector);
- // Continues loop
- } else if (snapshot instanceof ComponentsConfigs) {
- break;
- }
- }
- log.log(FINE, "Got components configs,\n" + configGenerationsString());
- return createAndConfigureComponentsGraph(snapshot.configs(), fallbackInjector);
- }
- private long getBootstrapGeneration() {
- return configurer.getBootstrapGeneration();
- }
- private long getComponentsGeneration() {
- return configurer.getComponentsGeneration();
- }
- private String configGenerationsString() {
- return String.format("bootstrap generation = %d\n" + "components generation: %d\n" + "previous generation: %d",
- getBootstrapGeneration(), getComponentsGeneration(), previousConfigGeneration);
- }
- private void throwIfPlatformBundlesChanged(ConfigSnapshot snapshot) {
- var checkPlatformBundles = getConfig(platformBundlesConfigKey, snapshot.configs()).bundlePaths();
- if (! checkPlatformBundles.equals(platformBundles))
- throw new RuntimeException("Platform bundles are not allowed to change!\nOld: " + platformBundles + "\nNew: " + checkPlatformBundles);
- }
- private ComponentGraph createAndConfigureComponentsGraph(Map<ConfigKey<? extends ConfigInstance>, ConfigInstance> componentsConfigs,
- Injector fallbackInjector) {
- ComponentGraph componentGraph = createComponentsGraph(componentsConfigs, getComponentsGeneration(), fallbackInjector);
- componentGraph.setAvailableConfigs(componentsConfigs);
- return componentGraph;
- }
- private void constructComponents(ComponentGraph graph) {
- graph.nodes().forEach(Node::constructInstance);
- }
- private void deconstructObsoleteComponents(ComponentGraph oldGraph,
- ComponentGraph newGraph,
- Collection<Bundle> obsoleteBundles) {
- Map<Object, ?> newComponents = new IdentityHashMap<>(newGraph.size());
- for (Object component : newGraph.allConstructedComponentsAndProviders())
- newComponents.put(component, null);
- List<Object> obsoleteComponents = new ArrayList<>();
- for (Object component : oldGraph.allConstructedComponentsAndProviders())
- if ( ! newComponents.containsKey(component))
- obsoleteComponents.add(component);
- componentDeconstructor.deconstruct(obsoleteComponents, obsoleteBundles);
- }
- private Set<Bundle> installApplicationBundles(Map<ConfigKey<? extends ConfigInstance>, ConfigInstance> configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs) {
- ApplicationBundlesConfig applicationBundlesConfig = getConfig(applicationBundlesConfigKey, configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs);
- return osgi.useApplicationBundles(applicationBundlesConfig.bundles());
- }
- private ComponentGraph createComponentsGraph(Map<ConfigKey<? extends ConfigInstance>, ConfigInstance> configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs,
- long generation, Injector fallbackInjector) {
- previousConfigGeneration = generation;
- ComponentGraph graph = new ComponentGraph(generation);
- ComponentsConfig componentsConfig = getConfig(componentsConfigKey, configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs);
- if (componentsConfig == null) {
- throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("The set of all configs does not include a valid 'components' config. Config set: "
- + configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs.keySet());
- }
- addNodes(componentsConfig, graph);
- injectNodes(componentsConfig, graph);
- graph.complete(fallbackInjector);
- return graph;
- }
- private void addNodes(ComponentsConfig componentsConfig, ComponentGraph graph) {
- for (ComponentsConfig.Components config : componentsConfig.components()) {
- BundleInstantiationSpecification specification = bundleInstantiationSpecification(config);
- Class<?> componentClass = osgi.resolveClass(specification);
- Node componentNode;
- if (RestApiContext.class.isAssignableFrom(componentClass)) {
- Class<? extends RestApiContext> nodeClass = componentClass.asSubclass(RestApiContext.class);
- componentNode = new JerseyNode(specification.id, config.configId(), nodeClass, osgi);
- } else {
- componentNode = new ComponentNode(specification.id, config.configId(), componentClass, null);
- }
- graph.add(componentNode);
- }
- }
- private void injectNodes(ComponentsConfig config, ComponentGraph graph) {
- for (ComponentsConfig.Components component : config.components()) {
- Node componentNode = ComponentGraph.getNode(graph, component.id());
- for (ComponentsConfig.Components.Inject inject : component.inject()) {
- //TODO: Support inject.name()
- componentNode.inject(ComponentGraph.getNode(graph, inject.id()));
- }
- }
- }
- private void invalidateGeneration(long generation, Throwable cause) {
- leastGeneration = Math.max(configurer.getComponentsGeneration(), configurer.getBootstrapGeneration()) + 1;
- if (!(cause instanceof InterruptedException) && !(cause instanceof ConfigInterruptedException)) {
- log.log(Level.WARNING, newGraphErrorMessage(generation, cause), cause);
- }
- }
- private static String newGraphErrorMessage(long generation, Throwable cause) {
- String failedFirstMessage = "Failed to set up first component graph";
- String failedNewMessage = "Failed to set up new component graph";
- String constructMessage = " due to error when constructing one of the components";
- String retainMessage = ". Retaining previous component generation.";
- if (generation == 0) {
- if (cause instanceof ComponentNode.ComponentConstructorException) {
- return failedFirstMessage + constructMessage;
- } else {
- return failedFirstMessage;
- }
- } else {
- if (cause instanceof ComponentNode.ComponentConstructorException) {
- return failedNewMessage + constructMessage + retainMessage;
- } else {
- return failedNewMessage + retainMessage;
- }
- }
- }
- public void shutdown(ComponentGraph graph, ComponentDeconstructor deconstructor) {
- shutdownConfigurer();
- if (graph != null) {
- deconstructAllComponents(graph, deconstructor);
- }
- }
- void shutdownConfigurer() {
- configurer.shutdown();
- }
- // Reload config manually, when subscribing to non-configserver sources
- public void reloadConfig(long generation) {
- subscriberFactory.reloadActiveSubscribers(generation);
- }
- private void deconstructAllComponents(ComponentGraph graph, ComponentDeconstructor deconstructor) {
- // This is only used for shutdown, so no need to uninstall any bundles.
- deconstructor.deconstruct(graph.allConstructedComponentsAndProviders(), Collections.emptyList());
- }
- public static <T extends ConfigInstance> T getConfig(ConfigKey<T> key,
- Map<ConfigKey<? extends ConfigInstance>, ConfigInstance> configs) {
- ConfigInstance inst = configs.get(key);
- if (inst == null || key.getConfigClass() == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Missing config " + key);
- }
- return key.getConfigClass().cast(inst);
- }
- private static BundleInstantiationSpecification bundleInstantiationSpecification(ComponentsConfig.Components config) {
- return BundleInstantiationSpecification.getFromStrings(config.id(), config.classId(), config.bundle());
- }