path: root/fsa/src/libfsa/automaton-alternate.h
diff options
authorGeir Storli <geirst@yahooinc.com>2022-12-21 14:54:16 +0000
committerGeir Storli <geirst@yahooinc.com>2022-12-21 15:49:53 +0000
commit762d9bb079b201a4fc72c67853909a8d5a3f4f15 (patch)
treef45b3bb331cb49307c2490a0494046a60c2086fc /fsa/src/libfsa/automaton-alternate.h
parent8b9abab0f0f01a14612810b5bc48eb291d9988a1 (diff)
Change from typedef to using in fsa C++ code.
Diffstat (limited to 'fsa/src/libfsa/automaton-alternate.h')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/fsa/src/libfsa/automaton-alternate.h b/fsa/src/libfsa/automaton-alternate.h
index f84ac4b7612..db17306376b 100644
--- a/fsa/src/libfsa/automaton-alternate.h
+++ b/fsa/src/libfsa/automaton-alternate.h
@@ -424,17 +424,17 @@ private:
size_t _size; // used # of objects in current chunk
static const size_t _CAPACITY = 16 * 1024 * 1024; // capacity of chunk in bytes
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef _Tp* pointer;
- typedef const _Tp* const_pointer;
- typedef _Tp& reference;
- typedef const _Tp& const_reference;
- typedef _Tp value_type;
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using pointer = _Tp*;
+ using const_pointer = const _Tp*;
+ using reference = _Tp&;
+ using const_reference = const _Tp&;
+ using value_type = _Tp;
template<typename _Tp1>
struct rebind
- { typedef MMapArenaAllocator<_Tp1> other; };
+ { using other = MMapArenaAllocator<_Tp1>; };
MMapArenaAllocator() throw(): _chunks(), _size(0) { }
@@ -520,60 +520,60 @@ private:
* @brief Register of states, maps a transition list to a state object
- typedef std::map< const TransitionList*,State*,TListPtrLess,MMapArenaAllocator< std::pair< const TransitionList*, State* > > > Register;
+ using Register = std::map< const TransitionList*,State*,TListPtrLess,MMapArenaAllocator< std::pair< const TransitionList*, State* > > >;
* @brief State register iterator.
- typedef std::map< const TransitionList*,State*,TListPtrLess,MMapArenaAllocator< std::pair< const TransitionList*, State* > > >::iterator RegisterIterator;
+ using RegisterIterator = std::map< const TransitionList*,State*,TListPtrLess,MMapArenaAllocator< std::pair< const TransitionList*, State* > > >::iterator;
* @brief Register of states, maps a blob to a special state.
- typedef std::map< Blob,State* > BlobRegister;
+ using BlobRegister = std::map< Blob,State* >;
* @brief Blob register iterator.
- typedef std::map< Blob,State* >::iterator BlobRegisterIterator;
+ using BlobRegisterIterator = std::map< Blob,State* >::iterator;
* @brief Array of state pointers.
- typedef std::vector< State* > StateArray;
+ using StateArray = std::vector< State* >;
* @brief State* array iterator.
- typedef std::vector< State* >::iterator StateArrayIterator;
+ using StateArrayIterator = std::vector< State* >::iterator;
* @brief Array of state/cell pairs.
- typedef std::vector< StateCellArrayItem > StateCellArray;
+ using StateCellArray = std::vector< StateCellArrayItem >;
* @brief StateCell array iterator.
- typedef std::vector< StateCellArrayItem >::iterator StateCellArrayIterator;
+ using StateCellArrayIterator = std::vector< StateCellArrayItem >::iterator;
* @brief Packing map, maps a state pointer to a state ID.
- typedef std::map< const void*, unsigned int > PackMap;
+ using PackMap = std::map< const void*, unsigned int >;
* @brief Packing map iterator.
- typedef std::map< const void*, unsigned int >::iterator PackMapIterator;
+ using PackMapIterator = std::map< const void*, unsigned int >::iterator;
* @brief symbol_t list.
- typedef std::list<symbol_t> SymList;
+ using SymList = std::list<symbol_t>;
* @brief symbol_t list iterator.
- typedef std::list<symbol_t>::iterator SymListIterator;
+ using SymListIterator = std::list<symbol_t>::iterator;
* @brief symbol_t list const_iterator.
- typedef std::list<symbol_t>::const_iterator SymListConstIterator;
+ using SymListConstIterator = std::list<symbol_t>::const_iterator;
// }}}
// {{{ Automaton::PackedAutomaton