path: root/vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit
diff options
authorBjørn Christian Seime <bjorncs@yahoo-inc.com>2017-06-06 14:13:55 +0200
committerBjørn Christian Seime <bjorncs@yahoo-inc.com>2017-06-06 14:13:55 +0200
commit8f2d9c36cccb34a1594d5f1cf82ac852ad5e712d (patch)
tree15addc0903bb361f6df8c5833877844d068687ab /vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit
parentef89ead652b55d7742767aea7e9c3d9243f19336 (diff)
Move vespaclient-java to Vespa open-source
Diffstat (limited to 'vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit')
2 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit/VdsVisitTargetTestCase.java b/vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit/VdsVisitTargetTestCase.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4eec05f7bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit/VdsVisitTargetTestCase.java
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+package com.yahoo.vespavisit;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class VdsVisitTargetTestCase {
+ @Test
+ public void testParametersSlobrok() throws Exception {
+ VdsVisitTarget target = new VdsVisitTarget();
+ target.parseArguments(new String[]{
+ "--bindtoslobrok", "myname",
+ "--processtime", "34",
+ "--visithandler", "Foo",
+ "--visitoptions", "foo bar zoo",
+ "-i",
+ "-v"
+ });
+ assertEquals("myname", target.getSlobrokAddress());
+ assertEquals(34, target.getProcessTime());
+ assertEquals("Foo", target.getHandlerClassName());
+ assertEquals(3, target.getHandlerArgs().length);
+ assertEquals("foo", target.getHandlerArgs()[0]);
+ assertEquals("bar", target.getHandlerArgs()[1]);
+ assertEquals("zoo", target.getHandlerArgs()[2]);
+ assertTrue(target.isVerbose());
+ assertTrue(target.isPrintIds());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParametersPort() throws Exception {
+ VdsVisitTarget target = new VdsVisitTarget();
+ target.parseArguments("--bindtosocket 1234".split(" "));
+ assertEquals(1234, target.getPort());
+ assertEquals(null, target.getSlobrokAddress());
+ }
+ public void assertException(String params) {
+ try {
+ VdsVisitTarget target = new VdsVisitTarget();
+ target.parseArguments(params.split(" "));
+ assertTrue(false);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPortAndSlobrok() {
+ assertException("--bindtoslobrok foo --bindtosocket 1234");
+ assertException("--bindtoport foo");
+ }
diff --git a/vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit/VdsVisitTestCase.java b/vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit/VdsVisitTestCase.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49060a5715f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vespaclient-java/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespavisit/VdsVisitTestCase.java
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+package com.yahoo.vespavisit;
+import com.yahoo.document.select.OrderingSpecification;
+import com.yahoo.document.select.parser.ParseException;
+import com.yahoo.documentapi.*;
+import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.protocol.DocumentProtocol;
+import com.yahoo.messagebus.StaticThrottlePolicy;
+import com.yahoo.messagebus.Trace;
+import com.yahoo.vespaclient.ClusterDef;
+import com.yahoo.vespaclient.ClusterList;
+import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class VdsVisitTestCase {
+ private VdsVisit.ArgumentParser createMockArgumentParser() {
+ Options opts = VdsVisit.createOptions();
+ return new VdsVisit.ArgumentParser(opts);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCommandLineShortOptions() throws Exception {
+ // short options testing (for options that do not collide with each other)
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "-d", "foo.remote",
+ "-s", "'id.user=1234'",
+ "-f", "5678",
+ "-t", "9012",
+ "-l", "foodoc.bar,foodoc.baz",
+ "-m", "6000",
+ "-b", "5",
+ "-p", "foo-progress.txt",
+ "-u", "123456789",
+ "-c", "kittens",
+ "-r",
+ "-v"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters allParams = parser.parse(args);
+ assertNotNull(allParams);
+ VisitorParameters params = allParams.getVisitorParameters();
+ assertNotNull(params);
+ assertEquals("foo.remote", params.getRemoteDataHandler());
+ assertEquals("'id.user=1234'", params.getDocumentSelection());
+ assertEquals(5678, params.getFromTimestamp());
+ assertEquals(9012, params.getToTimestamp());
+ assertEquals("foodoc.bar,foodoc.baz", params.getFieldSet());
+ assertEquals(6000, params.getMaxPending());
+ assertEquals(5, params.getMaxBucketsPerVisitor());
+ assertEquals("foo-progress.txt", params.getResumeFileName());
+ assertEquals(123456789, params.getTimeoutMs());
+ assertEquals(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, allParams.getFullTimeout());
+ assertEquals("kittens", allParams.getCluster());
+ assertTrue(allParams.isVerbose());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test the parameters that could not be used in conjunction with
+ * those in the first parameter test.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testCommandLineShortOptions2() throws Exception {
+ // Short options testing (for options that do not collide with each other)
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "-o", "654321",
+ "-e"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters allParams = parser.parse(args);
+ assertNotNull(allParams);
+ VisitorParameters params = allParams.getVisitorParameters();
+ assertNotNull(params);
+ assertEquals(654321, allParams.getFullTimeout());
+ assertEquals(654321, params.getTimeoutMs());
+ assertEquals("[header]", params.getFieldSet());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCommandLineShortOptionsPrintIdsOnly() throws Exception {
+ // Short options testing (for options that do not collide with each other)
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "-i"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters allParams = parser.parse(args);
+ assertNotNull(allParams);
+ VisitorParameters params = allParams.getVisitorParameters();
+ assertNotNull(params);
+ assertEquals("[id]", params.getFieldSet());
+ assertTrue(allParams.isPrintIdsOnly());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCommandLineLongOptions() throws Exception {
+ // short options testing (for options that do not collide with each other)
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "--datahandler", "foo.remote",
+ "--selection", "'id.user=1234'",
+ "--from", "5678",
+ "--to", "9012",
+ "--fieldset", "foodoc.bar,foodoc.baz",
+ "--maxpending", "6000",
+ "--maxbuckets", "5",
+ "--progress", "foo-progress.txt",
+ "--maxpendingsuperbuckets", "3",
+ "--buckettimeout", "123456789",
+ "--cluster", "kittens",
+ "--visitinconsistentbuckets",
+ "--visitlibrary", "fnord",
+ "--libraryparam", "asdf", "rargh",
+ "--libraryparam", "pinkie", "pie",
+ "--processtime", "555",
+ "--maxhits", "1001",
+ "--maxtotalhits", "2002",
+ "--tracelevel", "8",
+ "--priority", "NORMAL_1",
+ "--ordering", "ascending",
+ "--skipbucketsonfatalerrors",
+ "--abortonclusterdown",
+ "--visitremoves"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters allParams = parser.parse(args);
+ assertNotNull(allParams);
+ VisitorParameters params = allParams.getVisitorParameters();
+ assertNotNull(params);
+ assertEquals("foo.remote", params.getRemoteDataHandler());
+ assertEquals("'id.user=1234'", params.getDocumentSelection());
+ assertEquals(5678, params.getFromTimestamp());
+ assertEquals(9012, params.getToTimestamp());
+ assertEquals("foodoc.bar,foodoc.baz", params.getFieldSet());
+ assertEquals(6000, params.getMaxPending());
+ assertEquals(5, params.getMaxBucketsPerVisitor());
+ assertEquals("foo-progress.txt", params.getResumeFileName());
+ assertEquals(123456789, params.getTimeoutMs());
+ assertEquals(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, allParams.getFullTimeout());
+ assertEquals("kittens", allParams.getCluster());
+ assertTrue(params.getThrottlePolicy() instanceof StaticThrottlePolicy);
+ assertEquals(3, ((StaticThrottlePolicy)params.getThrottlePolicy()).getMaxPendingCount());
+ assertTrue(params.visitInconsistentBuckets());
+ assertEquals("fnord", params.getVisitorLibrary());
+ // TODO: FIXME? multiple library params doesn't work
+ assertTrue(Arrays.equals("rargh".getBytes(), params.getLibraryParameters().get("asdf")));
+ //assertTrue(Arrays.equals("pie".getBytes(), params.getLibraryParameters().get("pinkie")));
+ assertEquals(555, allParams.getProcessTime());
+ assertEquals(1001, params.getMaxFirstPassHits());
+ assertEquals(2002, params.getMaxTotalHits());
+ assertEquals(8, params.getTraceLevel());
+ assertEquals(DocumentProtocol.Priority.NORMAL_1, params.getPriority());
+ assertEquals(OrderingSpecification.ASCENDING, params.getVisitorOrdering());
+ assertTrue(allParams.getAbortOnClusterDown());
+ assertTrue(params.visitRemoves());
+ ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream);
+ VdsVisit.verbosePrintParameters(allParams, printStream);
+ printStream.flush();
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // the joys of running tests on windows
+ assertEquals(
+ "Time out visitor after 123456789 ms." + nl +
+ "Visiting documents matching: 'id.user=1234'" + nl +
+ "Visiting in the inclusive timestamp range 5678 - 9012." + nl +
+ "Visiting field set foodoc.bar,foodoc.baz." + nl +
+ "Visiting inconsistent buckets." + nl +
+ "Including remove entries." + nl +
+ "Tracking progress in file: foo-progress.txt" + nl +
+ "Let visitor have maximum 6000 replies pending on data handlers per storage node visitor." + nl +
+ "Visit maximum 5 buckets per visitor." + nl +
+ "Sending data to data handler at: foo.remote" + nl +
+ "Using visitor library 'fnord'." + nl +
+ "Adding the following library specific parameters:" + nl +
+ " asdf = rargh" + nl +
+ "Visitor priority NORMAL_1" + nl +
+ "Skip visiting super buckets with fatal errors." + nl,
+ outputStream.toString("utf-8"));
+ args = new String[] {
+ "--ordering", "descending"
+ };
+ allParams = parser.parse(args);
+ params = allParams.getVisitorParameters();
+ assertEquals(OrderingSpecification.DESCENDING, params.getVisitorOrdering());
+ }
+ private static String[] emptyArgList() { return new String[]{}; }
+ @Test
+ public void visitor_priority_is_low1_by_default() throws Exception {
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters allParams = createMockArgumentParser().parse(emptyArgList());
+ VisitorParameters params = allParams.getVisitorParameters();
+ assertEquals(DocumentProtocol.Priority.LOW_1, params.getPriority());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBadPriorityValue() throws Exception {
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "--priority", "super_hyper_important"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ try {
+ parser.parse(args);
+ fail("no exception thrown");
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Unknown priority name"));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBadOrderingValue() throws Exception {
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "--ordering", "yonder"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ try {
+ parser.parse(args);
+ fail("no exception thrown");
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Unknown ordering"));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCommandLineShortOptionsInvokeHelp() throws Exception {
+ // Short options testing (for options that do not collide with each other)
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "-h"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters allParams = parser.parse(args);
+ assertNull(allParams);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAutoSelectClusterRoute() throws Exception {
+ List<ClusterDef> clusterDefs = new ArrayList<>();
+ clusterDefs.add(new ClusterDef("storage", "content/cluster.foo/storage"));
+ ClusterList clusterList = new ClusterList(clusterDefs);
+ String route = VdsVisit.resolveClusterRoute(clusterList, null);
+ assertEquals("[Storage:cluster=storage;clusterconfigid=content/cluster.foo/storage]", route);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBadClusterName() throws Exception {
+ List<ClusterDef> clusterDefs = new ArrayList<>();
+ clusterDefs.add(new ClusterDef("storage", "content/cluster.foo/storage"));
+ ClusterList clusterList = new ClusterList(clusterDefs);
+ try {
+ VdsVisit.resolveClusterRoute(clusterList, "borkbork");
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Your vespa cluster contains the content clusters storage, not borkbork."));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRequireClusterOptionIfMultipleClusters() {
+ List<ClusterDef> clusterDefs = new ArrayList<>();
+ clusterDefs.add(new ClusterDef("storage", "content/cluster.foo/storage"));
+ clusterDefs.add(new ClusterDef("storage2", "content/cluster.bar/storage"));
+ ClusterList clusterList = new ClusterList(clusterDefs);
+ try {
+ VdsVisit.resolveClusterRoute(clusterList, null);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Please use the -c option to select one of them"));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testExplicitClusterOptionWithMultipleClusters() {
+ List<ClusterDef> clusterDefs = new ArrayList<>();
+ clusterDefs.add(new ClusterDef("storage", "content/cluster.foo/storage"));
+ clusterDefs.add(new ClusterDef("storage2", "content/cluster.bar/storage"));
+ ClusterList clusterList = new ClusterList(clusterDefs);
+ String route = VdsVisit.resolveClusterRoute(clusterList, "storage2");
+ assertEquals("[Storage:cluster=storage2;clusterconfigid=content/cluster.bar/storage]", route);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFailIfNoContentClustersAvailable() {
+ List<ClusterDef> clusterDefs = new ArrayList<>();
+ ClusterList clusterList = new ClusterList(clusterDefs);
+ try {
+ VdsVisit.resolveClusterRoute(clusterList, null);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Your Vespa cluster does not have any content clusters"));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testStatistics() throws Exception {
+ String[] args = new String[] {
+ "--statistics", "foo"
+ };
+ VdsVisit.ArgumentParser parser = createMockArgumentParser();
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters allParams = parser.parse(args);
+ assertNotNull(allParams);
+ VisitorParameters params = allParams.getVisitorParameters();
+ assertNotNull(params);
+ assertEquals("foo", allParams.getStatisticsParts());
+ assertEquals("[id]", params.getFieldSet());
+ assertEquals("CountVisitor", params.getVisitorLibrary());
+ }
+ // TODO: use DummyVisitorSession instead?
+ private static class MockVisitorSession implements VisitorSession {
+ private VisitorParameters params;
+ public MockVisitorSession(VisitorParameters params) {
+ this.params = params;
+ params.getLocalDataHandler().setSession(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isDone() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ProgressToken getProgress() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Trace getTrace() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean waitUntilDone(long l) throws InterruptedException {
+ params.getControlHandler().onDone(VisitorControlHandler.CompletionCode.SUCCESS, "woo!");
+ // Return immediately
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void ack(AckToken ackToken) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void abort() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public VisitorResponse getNext() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public VisitorResponse getNext(int i) throws InterruptedException {
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void destroy() {
+ }
+ }
+ private static class MockVisitorSessionAccessor implements VdsVisit.VisitorSessionAccessor {
+ boolean shutdown = false;
+ @Override
+ public VisitorSession createVisitorSession(VisitorParameters params) throws ParseException {
+ return new MockVisitorSession(params);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void shutdown() {
+ shutdown = true;
+ }
+ public boolean isShutdown() {
+ return shutdown;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class MockVisitorSessionAccessorFactory implements VdsVisit.VisitorSessionAccessorFactory {
+ private MockVisitorSessionAccessor lastCreatedAccessor = null;
+ @Override
+ public VdsVisit.VisitorSessionAccessor createVisitorSessionAccessor() {
+ lastCreatedAccessor = new MockVisitorSessionAccessor();
+ return lastCreatedAccessor;
+ }
+ public MockVisitorSessionAccessor getLastCreatedAccessor() {
+ return lastCreatedAccessor;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class MockShutdownHookRegistrar implements VdsVisit.ShutdownHookRegistrar {
+ Thread cleanUpThread;
+ @Override
+ public void registerShutdownHook(Thread thread) {
+ cleanUpThread = thread;
+ }
+ public Thread getCleanUpThread() {
+ return cleanUpThread;
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testVdsVisitRunLogic() {
+ MockVisitorSessionAccessorFactory accessorFactory = new MockVisitorSessionAccessorFactory();
+ MockShutdownHookRegistrar shutdownHookRegistrar = new MockShutdownHookRegistrar();
+ VdsVisit vdsVisit = new VdsVisit(accessorFactory, shutdownHookRegistrar);
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters params = new VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters();
+ VisitorParameters visitorParameters = new VisitorParameters("");
+ params.setVisitorParameters(visitorParameters);
+ visitorParameters.setResumeFileName("src/test/files/progress.txt");
+ vdsVisit.setVdsVisitParameters(params);
+ int code = vdsVisit.doRun();
+ assertEquals(0, code);
+ assertNotNull(shutdownHookRegistrar.getCleanUpThread());
+ shutdownHookRegistrar.getCleanUpThread().run();
+ assertNotNull(accessorFactory.getLastCreatedAccessor());
+ assertTrue(accessorFactory.getLastCreatedAccessor().isShutdown());
+ // Ensure progress token stuff was read from file
+ ProgressToken progress = visitorParameters.getResumeToken();
+ assertNotNull(progress);
+ assertEquals(14, progress.getDistributionBitCount());
+ assertEquals(3, progress.getPendingBucketCount());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testVdsVisitRunLogicProgressFileNotYetCreated() {
+ MockVisitorSessionAccessorFactory accessorFactory = new MockVisitorSessionAccessorFactory();
+ MockShutdownHookRegistrar shutdownHookRegistrar = new MockShutdownHookRegistrar();
+ VdsVisit vdsVisit = new VdsVisit(accessorFactory, shutdownHookRegistrar);
+ VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters params = new VdsVisit.VdsVisitParameters();
+ VisitorParameters visitorParameters = new VisitorParameters("");
+ params.setVisitorParameters(visitorParameters);
+ visitorParameters.setResumeFileName("src/test/files/progress-not-existing.txt");
+ vdsVisit.setVdsVisitParameters(params);
+ // Should not fail with file not found
+ int code = vdsVisit.doRun();
+ assertEquals(0, code);
+ assertNotNull(shutdownHookRegistrar.getCleanUpThread());
+ shutdownHookRegistrar.getCleanUpThread().run();
+ assertNotNull(accessorFactory.getLastCreatedAccessor());
+ assertTrue(accessorFactory.getLastCreatedAccessor().isShutdown());
+ }