path: root/zkfacade/src/test
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authorjonmv <venstad@gmail.com>2022-10-07 10:48:51 +0200
committerjonmv <venstad@gmail.com>2022-10-10 12:33:57 +0200
commit5737387f8c0dd414df16933eb75b944c25d1bb8d (patch)
tree2601402afb0aed00e579fd09a935a4406d7b8208 /zkfacade/src/test
parent990a561813f0ff23e13c4571d00c2315c866497f (diff)
Expand ZK API, and implement in CuratorWrapper
Diffstat (limited to 'zkfacade/src/test')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zkfacade/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/curator/CuratorWrapperTest.java b/zkfacade/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/curator/CuratorWrapperTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..645d0ae5a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zkfacade/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/curator/CuratorWrapperTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+package com.yahoo.vespa.curator;
+import com.yahoo.path.Path;
+import com.yahoo.test.ManualClock;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.api.AbstractSingletonWorker;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.api.VespaCurator;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.api.VespaCurator.Meta;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator;
+import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework;
+import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.time.Clock;
+import java.time.Duration;
+import java.time.Instant;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.concurrent.Phaser;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
+import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+ * @author jonmv
+ */
+public class CuratorWrapperTest {
+ static final Path lockPath = Path.fromString("/vespa/singleton/v1/singleton/lock");
+ @Test
+ public void testUserApi() throws Exception {
+ try (Curator wrapped = new MockCurator()) {
+ CuratorWrapper curator = new CuratorWrapper(wrapped);
+ Path path = Path.fromString("path");
+ assertEquals(Optional.empty(), curator.stat(path));
+ Meta meta = curator.write(path, "data".getBytes(UTF_8));
+ assertEquals(Optional.of(meta), curator.stat(path));
+ assertEquals("data", new String(curator.read(path).get().data(), UTF_8));
+ assertEquals(meta, curator.read(path).get().meta());
+ assertEquals(Optional.empty(), curator.write(path, new byte[0], 0));
+ meta = curator.write(path, new byte[0], meta.version()).get();
+ assertEquals(3, meta.version());
+ assertEquals(List.of("path"), curator.list(Path.createRoot()));
+ assertFalse(curator.delete(path, 0));
+ curator.delete(path, 3);
+ assertEquals(List.of(), curator.list(Path.createRoot()));
+ try (AutoCloseable lock = curator.lock(path, Duration.ofSeconds(1))) {
+ assertEquals(List.of("user", "path"), wrapped.getChildren(Path.createRoot()));
+ assertEquals(List.of("path"), wrapped.getChildren(CuratorWrapper.userRoot));
+ }
+ try (AutoCloseable lock = curator.lock(path, Duration.ofSeconds(1))) {
+ // Both previous locks were released.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSingleSingleton() {
+ try (Curator wrapped = new MockCurator()) {
+ Phaser stunning = new Phaser(1);
+ ManualClock clock = new ManualClock() {
+ @Override public Instant instant() {
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ // Let test thread advance time when desired.
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ return super.instant();
+ };
+ };
+ CuratorWrapper curator = new CuratorWrapper(wrapped, clock, Duration.ofMillis(100));
+ // First singleton to register becomes active during construction.
+ Singleton singleton = new Singleton(curator);
+ assertTrue(singleton.isActive);
+ assertTrue(wrapped.exists(lockPath));
+ assertTrue(curator.isActive(singleton.id()));
+ singleton.deconstruct();
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ // ... and deactivated as a result of unregistering again.
+ // Singleton can be set up again, but this time, time runs away.
+ singleton = new Singleton(curator) {
+ @Override public void activate() {
+ // Set up sync in clock on next renewLease.
+ super.activate();
+ stunning.register();
+ }
+ };
+ assertTrue(singleton.isActive);
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Wait for next renewLease.
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Let next renewLease complete.
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Wait for next updateStatus.
+ clock.advance(Curator.ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
+ singleton.phaser.register(); // Set up so we can synchronise with deactivation.
+ stunning.arriveAndDeregister(); // Let lease expire, and ensure further ticks complete if we lose the race to unregister.
+ singleton.phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ // Singleton is reactivated next tick.
+ singleton.phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ assertTrue(singleton.isActive);
+ // Manager unregisters remaining singletons on shutdown.
+ curator.deconstruct();
+ singleton.phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSingletonsInSameContainer() {
+ try (Curator wrapped = new MockCurator()) {
+ CuratorWrapper curator = new CuratorWrapper(wrapped);
+ // First singleton to register becomes active during construction.
+ Singleton singleton = new Singleton(curator) { public String toString() { return "S 1"; }};
+ assertTrue(singleton.isActive);
+ assertTrue(wrapped.exists(lockPath));
+ assertTrue(curator.isActive(singleton.id()));
+ Singleton newSingleton = new Singleton(curator);
+ assertTrue(newSingleton.isActive);
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ Singleton newerSingleton = new Singleton(curator);
+ assertTrue(newerSingleton.isActive);
+ assertFalse(newSingleton.isActive);
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ singleton.deconstruct();
+ assertTrue(newerSingleton.isActive);
+ assertFalse(newSingleton.isActive);
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ newerSingleton.deconstruct();
+ assertFalse(newerSingleton.isActive);
+ assertTrue(newSingleton.isActive);
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ // Add a singleton which fails activation.
+ Phaser stunning = new Phaser(2);
+ AtomicReference<String> thrownMessage = new AtomicReference<>();
+ new Thread(() -> {
+ RuntimeException e = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class,
+ () -> new Singleton(curator) {
+ @Override public void activate() {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ @Override public void deactivate() {
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ @Override public String toString() {
+ return "failing singleton";
+ }
+ });
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ thrownMessage.set(e.getMessage());
+ }).start();
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Failing component is about to be deactivated.
+ assertFalse(newSingleton.isActive);
+ assertTrue(curator.isActive(newSingleton.id())); // No actual active components, but container has the lease.
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Failing component is done being deactivated.
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Failing component is done cleaning up after itself.
+ assertTrue(newSingleton.isActive);
+ assertEquals("failed to register failing singleton", thrownMessage.get());
+ newSingleton.deconstruct();
+ curator.deconstruct();
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSingletonsInDifferentContainers() {
+ try (MockCurator wrapped = new MockCurator()) {
+ CuratorWrapper curator = new CuratorWrapper(wrapped, Clock.systemUTC(), Duration.ofMillis(100));
+ // Simulate a different container holding the lock.
+ Singleton singleton;
+ try (Lock lock = wrapped.lock(lockPath, Duration.ofSeconds(1))) {
+ singleton = new Singleton(curator);
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ assertFalse(curator.isActive(singleton.id()));
+ singleton.phaser.register();
+ }
+ singleton.phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ assertTrue(curator.isActive(singleton.id()));
+ assertTrue(singleton.isActive);
+ // Simulate a different container wanting the lock.
+ Phaser stunning = new Phaser(2);
+ new Thread(() -> {
+ try (Lock lock = wrapped.lock(lockPath, Duration.ofSeconds(2))) {
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ }
+ }).start();
+ // Simulate connection loss for our singleton's ZK session.
+ ((MockCuratorFramework) wrapped.framework()).connectionStateListeners.listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.stateChanged(null, ConnectionState.LOST));
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ singleton.phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ // Connection is restored, and the other container releases the lock again.
+ stunning.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ singleton.phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance();
+ assertTrue(singleton.isActive);
+ singleton.phaser.arriveAndDeregister();
+ singleton.deconstruct();
+ assertFalse(singleton.isActive);
+ curator.deconstruct();
+ }
+ }
+ static class Singleton extends AbstractSingletonWorker {
+ Singleton(VespaCurator curator) { register(curator, Duration.ofSeconds(2)); }
+ boolean isActive;
+ Phaser phaser = new Phaser(1);
+ @Override protected String id() { return "singleton"; } // ... lest anonymous subclasses get different IDs ... ƪ(`▿▿▿▿´ƪ)
+ @Override public void activate() { isActive = true; phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); }
+ @Override public void deactivate() { isActive = false; phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); }
+ @Override public void deconstruct() { unregister(Duration.ofSeconds(2)); }
+ }