path: root/container-core/src/test/java/com/yahoo/jdisc/http/server/jetty/HttpResponseStatisticsCollectorTest.java
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1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-core/src/test/java/com/yahoo/jdisc/http/server/jetty/HttpResponseStatisticsCollectorTest.java b/container-core/src/test/java/com/yahoo/jdisc/http/server/jetty/HttpResponseStatisticsCollectorTest.java
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+++ b/container-core/src/test/java/com/yahoo/jdisc/http/server/jetty/HttpResponseStatisticsCollectorTest.java
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+// Copyright 2018 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+package com.yahoo.jdisc.http.server.jetty;
+import com.yahoo.jdisc.http.server.jetty.HttpResponseStatisticsCollector.StatisticsEntry;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpFields;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpURI;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpVersion;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.MetaData;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.MetaData.Response;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpTransport;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
+ * @author ollivir
+ */
+public class HttpResponseStatisticsCollectorTest {
+ private Connector connector;
+ private List<String> monitoringPaths = List.of("/status.html");
+ private List<String> searchPaths = List.of("/search");
+ private HttpResponseStatisticsCollector collector = new HttpResponseStatisticsCollector(monitoringPaths, searchPaths);
+ private int httpResponseCode = 500;
+ @Test
+ public void statistics_are_aggregated_by_category() {
+ testRequest("http", 300, "GET");
+ testRequest("http", 301, "GET");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET");
+ var stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_3XX, 2L);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void statistics_are_grouped_by_http_method_and_scheme() {
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "PUT");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "POST");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "POST");
+ testRequest("http", 404, "GET");
+ testRequest("https", 404, "GET");
+ testRequest("https", 200, "POST");
+ testRequest("https", 200, "POST");
+ testRequest("https", 200, "POST");
+ testRequest("https", 200, "POST");
+ var stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_4XX, 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "PUT", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "POST", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 2L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "https", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_4XX, 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "https", "POST", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 4L);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void statistics_include_grouped_and_single_statuscodes() {
+ testRequest("http", 401, "GET");
+ testRequest("http", 404, "GET");
+ testRequest("http", 403, "GET");
+ var stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_4XX, 3L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_401, 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_403, 1L);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void retrieving_statistics_resets_the_counters() {
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET");
+ var stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 2L);
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET");
+ stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 1L);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void statistics_include_request_type_dimension() {
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET", "/search");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "POST", "/search");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "POST", "/feed");
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET", "/status.html?foo=bar");
+ var stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryWithRequestTypePresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, "monitoring", 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryWithRequestTypePresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, "read", 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryWithRequestTypePresent(stats, "http", "POST", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, "read", 1L);
+ assertStatisticsEntryWithRequestTypePresent(stats, "http", "POST", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, "write", 1L);
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET");
+ stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryPresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, 1L);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void request_type_can_be_set_explicitly() {
+ testRequest("http", 200, "GET", "/search", com.yahoo.jdisc.Request.RequestType.WRITE);
+ var stats = collector.takeStatistics();
+ assertStatisticsEntryWithRequestTypePresent(stats, "http", "GET", MetricDefinitions.RESPONSES_2XX, "write", 1L);
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void initializeCollector() throws Exception {
+ Server server = new Server();
+ connector = new AbstractConnector(server, null, null, null, 0) {
+ @Override
+ protected void accept(int acceptorID) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Object getTransport() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ collector.setHandler(new AbstractHandler() {
+ @Override
+ public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
+ throws IOException, ServletException {
+ baseRequest.setHandled(true);
+ baseRequest.getResponse().setStatus(httpResponseCode);
+ }
+ });
+ server.setHandler(collector);
+ server.start();
+ }
+ private Request testRequest(String scheme, int responseCode, String httpMethod) {
+ return testRequest(scheme, responseCode, httpMethod, "foo/bar");
+ }
+ private Request testRequest(String scheme, int responseCode, String httpMethod, String path) {
+ return testRequest(scheme, responseCode, httpMethod, path, null);
+ }
+ private Request testRequest(String scheme, int responseCode, String httpMethod, String path,
+ com.yahoo.jdisc.Request.RequestType explicitRequestType) {
+ HttpChannel channel = new HttpChannel(connector, new HttpConfiguration(), null, new DummyTransport());
+ MetaData.Request metaData = new MetaData.Request(httpMethod, new HttpURI(scheme + "://" + path), HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, new HttpFields());
+ Request req = channel.getRequest();
+ if (explicitRequestType != null)
+ req.setAttribute("requestType", explicitRequestType);
+ req.setMetaData(metaData);
+ this.httpResponseCode = responseCode;
+ channel.handle();
+ return req;
+ }
+ private static void assertStatisticsEntryPresent(List<StatisticsEntry> result, String scheme, String method, String name, long expectedValue) {
+ long value = result.stream()
+ .filter(entry -> entry.method.equals(method) && entry.scheme.equals(scheme) && entry.name.equals(name))
+ .mapToLong(entry -> entry.value)
+ .findAny()
+ .orElseThrow(() -> new AssertionError(String.format("Not matching entry in result (scheme=%s, method=%s, name=%s)", scheme, method, name)));
+ assertThat(value, equalTo(expectedValue));
+ }
+ private static void assertStatisticsEntryWithRequestTypePresent(List<StatisticsEntry> result, String scheme, String method, String name, String requestType, long expectedValue) {
+ long value = result.stream()
+ .filter(entry -> entry.method.equals(method) && entry.scheme.equals(scheme) && entry.name.equals(name) && entry.requestType.equals(requestType))
+ .mapToLong(entry -> entry.value)
+ .reduce(Long::sum)
+ .orElseThrow(() -> new AssertionError(String.format("Not matching entry in result (scheme=%s, method=%s, name=%s, type=%s)", scheme, method, name, requestType)));
+ assertThat(value, equalTo(expectedValue));
+ }
+ private final class DummyTransport implements HttpTransport {
+ @Override
+ public void send(Response info, boolean head, ByteBuffer content, boolean lastContent, Callback callback) {
+ callback.succeeded();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isPushSupported() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isOptimizedForDirectBuffers() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void push(MetaData.Request request) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onCompleted() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void abort(Throwable failure) {
+ }
+ }