path: root/searchcore/src/tests/proton/flushengine/flushengine.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'searchcore/src/tests/proton/flushengine/flushengine.cpp')
1 files changed, 605 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/searchcore/src/tests/proton/flushengine/flushengine.cpp b/searchcore/src/tests/proton/flushengine/flushengine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..59b86671a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searchcore/src/tests/proton/flushengine/flushengine.cpp
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+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/fastos/fastos.h>
+#include <vespa/log/log.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/flushengine/cachedflushtarget.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/flushengine/flush_engine_explorer.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/flushengine/flushengine.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/flushengine/threadedflushtarget.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/flushengine/tls_stats_map.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/flushengine/i_tls_stats_factory.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/server/igetserialnum.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/test/dummy_flush_handler.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcore/proton/test/dummy_flush_target.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/testkit/testapp.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/data/slime/slime.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/sync.h>
+#include <memory>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Setup.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+using namespace proton;
+using namespace vespalib::slime;
+using searchcorespi::FlushTask;
+using vespalib::Slime;
+const long LONG_TIMEOUT = 66666;
+const long SHORT_TIMEOUT = 1;
+const uint32_t IINTERVAL = 1000;
+class SimpleExecutor : public vespalib::Executor {
+ vespalib::Gate _done;
+ SimpleExecutor()
+ : _done()
+ {
+ // empty
+ }
+ Task::UP
+ execute(Task::UP task)
+ {
+ task->run();
+ _done.countDown();
+ return Task::UP();
+ }
+class SimpleGetSerialNum : public IGetSerialNum
+ virtual search::SerialNum getSerialNum() const override {
+ return 0u;
+ }
+class SimpleTlsStatsFactory : public flushengine::ITlsStatsFactory
+ virtual flushengine::TlsStatsMap create() override {
+ vespalib::hash_map<vespalib::string, flushengine::TlsStats> map;
+ return flushengine::TlsStatsMap(std::move(map));
+ }
+typedef std::vector<IFlushTarget::SP> Targets;
+class SimpleHandler : public test::DummyFlushHandler {
+ Targets _targets;
+ search::SerialNum _oldestSerial;
+ search::SerialNum _currentSerial;
+ vespalib::CountDownLatch _done;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<SimpleHandler> SP;
+ SimpleHandler(const Targets &targets, const std::string &name = "anon",
+ search::SerialNum currentSerial = -1)
+ : test::DummyFlushHandler(name),
+ _targets(targets),
+ _oldestSerial(0),
+ _currentSerial(currentSerial),
+ _done(targets.size())
+ {
+ // empty
+ }
+ search::SerialNum
+ getCurrentSerialNumber() const override
+ {
+ LOG(info, "SimpleHandler(%s)::getCurrentSerialNumber()",
+ getName().c_str());
+ return _currentSerial;
+ }
+ std::vector<IFlushTarget::SP>
+ getFlushTargets() override
+ {
+ LOG(info, "SimpleHandler(%s)::getFlushTargets()",
+ getName().c_str());
+ return _targets;
+ }
+ void
+ flushDone(search::SerialNum oldestSerial) override
+ {
+ LOG(info, "SimpleHandler(%s)::flushDone(%" PRIu64 ")",
+ getName().c_str(), oldestSerial);
+ _oldestSerial = std::max(_oldestSerial, oldestSerial);
+ _done.countDown();
+ }
+class SimpleTask : public searchcorespi::FlushTask {
+ vespalib::Gate &_start;
+ vespalib::Gate &_done;
+ vespalib::Gate *_proceed;
+ SimpleTask(vespalib::Gate &start,
+ vespalib::Gate &done,
+ vespalib::Gate *proceed)
+ : _start(start), _done(done), _proceed(proceed)
+ {
+ // empty
+ }
+ void run() {
+ _start.countDown();
+ if (_proceed != NULL) {
+ _proceed->await();
+ }
+ _done.countDown();
+ }
+ virtual search::SerialNum
+ getFlushSerial(void) const
+ {
+ return 0u;
+ }
+class SimpleTarget : public test::DummyFlushTarget {
+ search::SerialNum _flushedSerial;
+ vespalib::Gate _proceed;
+ vespalib::Gate _initDone;
+ vespalib::Gate _taskStart;
+ vespalib::Gate _taskDone;
+ Task::UP _task;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<SimpleTarget> SP;
+ SimpleTarget(Task::UP task, const std::string &name) :
+ test::DummyFlushTarget(name),
+ _flushedSerial(0),
+ _proceed(),
+ _initDone(),
+ _taskStart(),
+ _taskDone(),
+ _task(std::move(task))
+ {
+ }
+ SimpleTarget(const std::string &name = "anon", search::SerialNum flushedSerial = 0, bool proceedImmediately = true) :
+ test::DummyFlushTarget(name),
+ _flushedSerial(flushedSerial),
+ _proceed(),
+ _initDone(),
+ _taskStart(),
+ _taskDone(),
+ _task(new SimpleTask(_taskStart, _taskDone, &_proceed))
+ {
+ if (proceedImmediately) {
+ _proceed.countDown();
+ }
+ }
+ virtual Time
+ getLastFlushTime() const override { return fastos::ClockSystem::now(); }
+ virtual SerialNum
+ getFlushedSerialNum() const override
+ {
+ LOG(info, "SimpleTarget(%s)::getFlushedSerialNum()",
+ getName().c_str());
+ return _flushedSerial;
+ }
+ virtual Task::UP
+ initFlush(SerialNum currentSerial) override
+ {
+ LOG(info, "SimpleTarget(%s)::initFlush(%" PRIu64 ")",
+ getName().c_str(), currentSerial);
+ _initDone.countDown();
+ return std::move(_task);
+ }
+class AssertedTarget : public SimpleTarget {
+ mutable bool _mgain;
+ mutable bool _serial;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<AssertedTarget> SP;
+ AssertedTarget(const std::string &name = "anon")
+ : SimpleTarget(name),
+ _mgain(false),
+ _serial(false)
+ {
+ // empty
+ }
+ virtual MemoryGain
+ getApproxMemoryGain() const
+ {
+ LOG_ASSERT(_mgain == false);
+ _mgain = true;
+ return SimpleTarget::getApproxMemoryGain();
+ }
+ virtual search::SerialNum
+ getFlushedSerialNum() const
+ {
+ LOG_ASSERT(_serial == false);
+ _serial = true;
+ return SimpleTarget::getFlushedSerialNum();
+ }
+class SimpleStrategy : public IFlushStrategy {
+ std::vector<IFlushTarget::SP> _targets;
+ struct CompareTarget {
+ CompareTarget(const SimpleStrategy &flush) : _flush(flush) { }
+ bool operator () (const FlushContext::SP &lhs, const FlushContext::SP &rhs) const {
+ return _flush.compare(lhs->getTarget(), rhs->getTarget());
+ }
+ const SimpleStrategy &_flush;
+ };
+ virtual FlushContext::List getFlushTargets(const FlushContext::List &targetList,
+ const flushengine::TlsStatsMap &) const override {
+ FlushContext::List fv(targetList);
+ std::sort(fv.begin(), fv.end(), CompareTarget(*this));
+ return fv;
+ }
+ bool
+ compare(const IFlushTarget::SP &lhs, const IFlushTarget::SP &rhs) const
+ {
+ LOG(info, "SimpleStrategy::compare(%p, %p)", lhs.get(), rhs.get());
+ return indexOf(lhs) < indexOf(rhs);
+ }
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<SimpleStrategy> SP;
+ SimpleStrategy()
+ {
+ // empty
+ }
+ uint32_t
+ indexOf(const IFlushTarget::SP &target) const
+ {
+ IFlushTarget *raw = target.get();
+ CachedFlushTarget *cached = dynamic_cast<CachedFlushTarget*>(raw);
+ if (cached != NULL) {
+ raw = cached->getFlushTarget().get();
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0, len = _targets.size(); i < len; ++i) {
+ if (raw == _targets[i].get()) {
+ LOG(info, "Index of target %p is %d.", raw, i);
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ LOG(info, "Target %p not found.", raw);
+ return -1;
+ }
+class ConstantFlushStrategy : public SimpleStrategy {
+ uint64_t _millis;
+ ConstantFlushStrategy(uint64_t millis) : SimpleStrategy(), _millis(millis) { }
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<ConstantFlushStrategy> SP;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tests.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class AppendTask : public FlushTask
+ AppendTask(const vespalib::string & name, std::vector<vespalib::string> & list, vespalib::Gate & done) :
+ _list(list),
+ _done(done),
+ _name(name)
+ { }
+ void run() {
+ _list.push_back(_name);
+ _done.countDown();
+ }
+ virtual search::SerialNum
+ getFlushSerial(void) const
+ {
+ return 0u;
+ }
+ std::vector<vespalib::string> & _list;
+ vespalib::Gate & _done;
+ vespalib::string _name;
+struct Fixture
+ std::shared_ptr<flushengine::ITlsStatsFactory> tlsStatsFactory;
+ SimpleStrategy::SP strategy;
+ FlushEngine engine;
+ Fixture(uint32_t numThreads, uint32_t idleIntervalMS)
+ : tlsStatsFactory(std::make_shared<SimpleTlsStatsFactory>()),
+ strategy(std::make_shared<SimpleStrategy>()),
+ engine(tlsStatsFactory, strategy, numThreads, idleIntervalMS, false)
+ {
+ }
+TEST_F("require that strategy controls flush target", Fixture(1, IINTERVAL))
+ vespalib::Gate fooG, barG;
+ std::vector<vespalib::string> order;
+ FlushTask::UP fooT(new AppendTask("foo", order, fooG));
+ FlushTask::UP barT(new AppendTask("bar", order, barG));
+ SimpleTarget::SP foo(new SimpleTarget(std::move(fooT), "foo"));
+ SimpleTarget::SP bar(new SimpleTarget(std::move(barT), "bar"));
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(foo);
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(bar);
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({bar, foo}));
+ DocTypeName dtnvanon("anon");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvanon, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, order.size());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL("foo", order[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL("bar", order[1]);
+TEST_F("require that zero handlers does not core", Fixture(2, 50))
+ f.engine.start();
+TEST_F("require that zero targets does not core", Fixture(2, 50))
+ DocTypeName dtnvfoo("foo");
+ DocTypeName dtnvbar("bar");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvfoo,
+ IFlushHandler::SP(new SimpleHandler({}, "foo")));
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvbar,
+ IFlushHandler::SP(new SimpleHandler({}, "bar")));
+ f.engine.start();
+TEST_F("require that oldest serial is found", Fixture(1, IINTERVAL))
+ SimpleTarget::SP foo(new SimpleTarget("foo", 10));
+ SimpleTarget::SP bar(new SimpleTarget("bar", 20));
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(foo);
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(bar);
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({foo, bar}, "anon", 25));
+ DocTypeName dtnvanon("anon");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvanon, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(handler->_done.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(20ul, handler->_oldestSerial);
+TEST_F("require that oldest serial is found in group", Fixture(2, IINTERVAL))
+ SimpleTarget::SP fooT1(new SimpleTarget("fooT1", 10));
+ SimpleTarget::SP fooT2(new SimpleTarget("fooT2", 20));
+ SimpleTarget::SP barT1(new SimpleTarget("barT1", 5));
+ SimpleTarget::SP barT2(new SimpleTarget("barT2", 15));
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(fooT1);
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(fooT2);
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(barT1);
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(barT2);
+ SimpleHandler::SP fooH(new SimpleHandler({fooT1, fooT2}, "fooH", 25));
+ DocTypeName dtnvfoo("foo");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvfoo, fooH);
+ SimpleHandler::SP barH(new SimpleHandler({barT1, barT2}, "barH", 20));
+ DocTypeName dtnvbar("bar");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvbar, barH);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fooH->_done.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(20ul, fooH->_oldestSerial);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(barH->_done.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(15ul, barH->_oldestSerial);
+TEST_F("require that target can refuse flush", Fixture(2, IINTERVAL))
+ SimpleTarget::SP target(new SimpleTarget());
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({target}));
+ target->_task = searchcorespi::FlushTask::UP();
+ DocTypeName dtnvanon("anon");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvanon, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target->_initDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!target->_taskDone.await(SHORT_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!handler->_done.await(SHORT_TIMEOUT));
+TEST_F("require that targets are flushed when nothing new to flush",
+ Fixture(2, IINTERVAL))
+ SimpleTarget::SP target(new SimpleTarget("anon", 5)); // oldest unflushed serial num = 5
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({target}, "anon", 4)); // current serial num = 4
+ DocTypeName dtnvanon("anon");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvanon, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target->_initDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target->_taskDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(handler->_done.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+TEST_F("require that flushing targets are skipped", Fixture(2, IINTERVAL))
+ SimpleTarget::SP foo(new SimpleTarget("foo"));
+ SimpleTarget::SP bar(new SimpleTarget("bar"));
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(foo);
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(bar);
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({bar, foo}));
+ DocTypeName dtnvanon("anon");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvanon, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(foo->_taskDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(bar->_taskDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT)); /* this is the key check */
+TEST_F("require that updated targets are not skipped", Fixture(2, IINTERVAL))
+ SimpleTarget::SP target(new SimpleTarget("target", 1));
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(target);
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({target}, "handler", 0));
+ DocTypeName dtnvhandler("handler");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvhandler, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target->_taskDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+TEST("require that threaded target works")
+ SimpleExecutor executor;
+ SimpleGetSerialNum getSerialNum;
+ IFlushTarget::SP target(new SimpleTarget());
+ target.reset(new ThreadedFlushTarget(executor, getSerialNum, target));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(executor._done.await(SHORT_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target->initFlush(0).get() != NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(executor._done.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+TEST("require that cached target works")
+ IFlushTarget::SP target(new AssertedTarget());
+ target.reset(new CachedFlushTarget(target));
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0l, target->getApproxMemoryGain().getBefore());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0l, target->getApproxMemoryGain().getAfter());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0ul, target->getFlushedSerialNum());
+ }
+TEST_F("require that trigger flush works", Fixture(2, IINTERVAL))
+ SimpleTarget::SP target(new SimpleTarget("target", 1));
+ f.strategy->_targets.push_back(target);
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({target}, "handler", 9));
+ DocTypeName dtnvhandler("handler");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvhandler, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ f.engine.triggerFlush();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target->_initDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target->_taskDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+asserCorrectHandlers(const FlushEngine::FlushMetaSet & current1, const std::vector<const char *> & targets)
+ bool retval(targets.size() == current1.size());
+ FlushEngine::FlushMetaSet::const_iterator curr(current1.begin());
+ if (retval) {
+ for (const char * target : targets) {
+ if (target != (curr++)->getName()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+assertThatHandlersInCurrentSet(FlushEngine & engine, const std::vector<const char *> & targets)
+ FlushEngine::FlushMetaSet current1 = engine.getCurrentlyFlushingSet();
+ while ((current1.size() < targets.size()) || !asserCorrectHandlers(current1, targets)) {
+ FastOS_Thread::Sleep(1);
+ current1 = engine.getCurrentlyFlushingSet();
+ }
+TEST_F("require that concurrency works", Fixture(2, 1))
+ SimpleTarget::SP target1(new SimpleTarget("target1", 1, false));
+ SimpleTarget::SP target2(new SimpleTarget("target2", 2, false));
+ SimpleTarget::SP target3(new SimpleTarget("target3", 3, false));
+ SimpleHandler::SP handler(new SimpleHandler({target1, target2, target3}, "handler", 9));
+ DocTypeName dtnvhandler("handler");
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(dtnvhandler, handler);
+ f.engine.start();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target1->_initDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target2->_initDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!target3->_initDone.await(SHORT_TIMEOUT));
+ assertThatHandlersInCurrentSet(f.engine, {"handler.target1", "handler.target2"});
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!target3->_initDone.await(SHORT_TIMEOUT));
+ target1->_proceed.countDown();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(target1->_taskDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT));
+ assertThatHandlersInCurrentSet(f.engine, {"handler.target2", "handler.target3"});
+ target3->_proceed.countDown();
+ target2->_proceed.countDown();
+TEST_F("require that state explorer can list flush targets", Fixture(1, 1))
+ SimpleTarget::SP target = std::make_shared<SimpleTarget>("target1", 100, false);
+ f.engine.putFlushHandler(DocTypeName("handler"),
+ std::make_shared<SimpleHandler>(
+ Targets({target, std::make_shared<SimpleTarget>("target2", 50, true)}),
+ "handler", 9));
+ f.engine.start();
+ target->_initDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT);
+ target->_taskStart.await(LONG_TIMEOUT);
+ FlushEngineExplorer explorer(f.engine);
+ Slime state;
+ SlimeInserter inserter(state);
+ explorer.get_state(inserter, true);
+ Inspector &all = state.get()["allTargets"];
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, all.children());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL("handler.target2", all[0]["name"].asString().make_string());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(50, all[0]["flushedSerialNum"].asLong());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL("handler.target1", all[1]["name"].asString().make_string());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(100, all[1]["flushedSerialNum"].asLong());
+ Inspector &flushing = state.get()["flushingTargets"];
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, flushing.children());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL("handler.target1", flushing[0]["name"].asString().make_string());
+ target->_proceed.countDown();
+ target->_taskDone.await(LONG_TIMEOUT);